Journal de ヤママユガ, 14 oct. 19

1040 kcal Gras: 44,30g | Prot: 54,59g | Glu: 109,41g.   Petit Déjeuner: アーモンド, ゆで卵. Déjeuner: セブンイレブン 五穀ごはん 塩こんぶツナ, セブン-イレブン ハムとポテトのサラダ, セブンイレブン 味付き半熟ゆでたまご, セブン-イレブン 納豆巻. Dîner: セブンイレブン 6種具材のお豆腐とひじきの煮物, セブンイレブン 味付き半熟ゆでたまご, セブンイレブン ハムとポテトのサラダ. plus...

You make amazing choices in food! We have Seven 11’s here also and I know from experience they offer a lot of temptations. You are inspirational! 
15 oct. 19 par le membre: KayBuckaroo
KayBuckarooさん> Thank you.✨ Before I started dieting, I always ate what I wanted to eat, but now that my diet is over and I'm building my body, I choose what I eat considering the nutrients. ▽°|b✨ 
15 oct. 19 par le membre: ヤママユガ


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