Journal de Egull1, 26 janv. 20

Weekly Calorie Trajectory --> Keep Going --> 1 year and 21 weeks of weight maintenance

I realized today it's almost a year and a half since I hit the first initial goal weight I set back in 2017. Amazing what transformations can happen in just 3 years. It's interesting how it felt like this quest was going to take forever to get to goal. But, I knew even if it took me 5 years to release the excess weight I carried - 5 years is really just a drop in the bucket compared to the 30 plus years I might have ahead of me.

This perspective is what really helped me take my time losing the first initial 60 lbs. What was a year and half to 2 years in comparison to the years I might have left to enjoy over all well being and some of the health benefits of carrying less weight and incorporating fitness into my daily life?!

And, taking those week long maintenance breaks every 10 weeks was absolutely invaluable. I honestly feel this sense of relief when I look back that it happened that way. Don't get me wrong, it's still work and practicing diligence and commitment to healthy habits is not something that ends when one hits goal, no matter how many times it's been practiced.

Teeth don't brush themselves, showers don't happen all on their own, and I never met a shoe lace that just suddenly manifested in a double knot without fingers to guide it along. And, suffice it to say - healthy habits do not just magically manifest without the actions put forth to create the result.

If you've read this far - some of you might be wondering why I posted a pic of EVL recovery mode couched next to a selfie of me. A while back I asked about the possible benefits of trying creatine. A few people provided enough input to at least inspire me to purchase a canister. And, D (a.k.a Diablo) had actually posted some good info on the potential anti-inflammatory benefits of creatine for Elder folks with arthritis and other folks with autoimmune conditions. Later, someone had asked me to report back on what I thought after using it.

The truth is the canister I bought sat in my cupboard for a few months...LOL. I was hesitant to take it, because I read how it might cause bloating for some, and I just wasn't ready to see numbers go up on the scale even if it was just water weight. Fortunately, with a little thorough research - I learned that bloating only happens when some body builders load their doses in the beginning in hopes of getting a quicker gain. I had no interest in going that route and so I felt better about giving it a try.

Besides, I was continuing to release weight over the summer so I stopped being all that concerned about any potential bloat. The first canister I bought was strictly creatine, and I mixed half a dose with half a dose my BCAA's and drank my concoction twice a day. These supplements can come with some intense flavors, which is fine - but, it's more palatable for me to split those doses.

My mother later did a little more research and read that creatine is really best coupled with Glutamine, which is great but dang - who the heck wants to buy 3 different powders and go through all that mess. So, now came the task of finding a reasonably priced (haha) concoction that had all 3 (i.e. BCAA's, Creatine, and Glutamine). And, what do ya know EVL has one aptly called recovery mode. I had already been using EVL for the BCAA's so it was nice to stick with the same brand.

So, I guess the next question is what do I think? Has it helped me increase muscle mass? Did it make me bloated? Does this stuff have any merit?

When it comes to the increase in muscle mass, I honestly can't say.

There has definitely been an increase in muscle mass, but is that from the creatine? I don't know, because I also get a fair amount of protein in my diet as well (125-130 grams/day). And, creatine or not, muscles don't just increase by themselves - weights and reps have increased since I started the creatine which might easily account for my gains. Nor have my muscle gains been Oh, they're coming nicely and all, but it's not like a week later, my biceps are A WHOLE GOB bigger than they were before.

So, why do I continue to take it? Well, the title of the canister does say "Recovery Mode." And, I have to say there is a marked difference in recovery post workout. I don't stay as sore for as long as I used too. My DOMs (delayed onset of muscles soreness) has definitely decreased. It's not non-existent. But, unlike when I first started with weights and resistance training back in 2017 - I can go to bed sore and wake up feeling perty dang good with little to no feeling of inflammation.

And, lemme tell you - that's a nice bargain for this MS'er, know what I mean?

This body's conditioning has vastly increased since the very beginning so we can't count that out. However, with regards to whether or not I recommend it to others who do strength and resistance training - I would have to say yes - if you're like me and have and affinity for high levels of inflammation, and DOMs post workout. In terms of using it to solely increase muscle mass? It can't hurt, but reframe your expectations. Aside from getting an appropriate amount of protein in your diet, showing up to do the work and putting in some grind time is truly the only way to see those gains.

My Friday night highlight was definitely getting to wear my new "Vegan Leather" coat and enjoying a surplus day munching on some fancy cuisine with my Mama. The new jacket was a post Christmas Nordstrom's sale and I gotta be honest, when I saw myself in the mirror - I did a double was one of the moments where I was indelibly reminded never to underestimate one's ability to transform. It was also a humble reminder that this transformation couldn't happen, until I was finally willing to live beyond all those "stories" I had convinced myself about what I was or wasn't capable of and decided to let actions live and speak louder than the limitations my own mind kept drumming up.

Anywho, Below is the weekly trajectory - I hope everyone survived their week and is having a wonderful restful weekend.

Blessings and Love...

Monday - 1686
Tuesday - 1725 (Cardio - recumbent)
Wednesday - 1964 (Crossfit - metcon)
Thursday - 1686
Friday - 1513 (Weights)
Saturday - 1517 (Mobility Training)
Sunday - 1686 (Resistance Training)
Average TDEE 1700
Current TDEE for the Fall and Winter Months = 1700/day
2400 cals 1 day/month
Working to maintain between 127-134 lb range

44 supporteurs    Encourager   

You look great!! 
26 janv. 20 par le membre: velvetee
Once again your thoughtful commentary is inspiring. I particularly appreciate the emphasis on actually doing the work and not expecting habits and behaviours to just magically happen without the work and effort supporting them! 
26 janv. 20 par le membre: 59Carol
good job... keep at it. 
26 janv. 20 par le membre: designwebs
Good info on the Creatine, and Glutamine. Creatine has been on my list. I do use a BCAA supplement, work out, recovery, which has noticeable decrease in DOMs. Nice job on this long term work you have done. Slow and gradual has worked best for me as well.  
26 janv. 20 par le membre: rgaDawg
Love what you wrote❣️ nothing just happens, we have to take personal responsibility to make it happen❣️🤗🤗🤗 
26 janv. 20 par le membre: moopie321
Fantastic post, results and pic. You look amazing and should be proud. You’re the inspiration for many and thanks for sharing. Many wouldn’t. 
26 janv. 20 par le membre: GardenOfHeeden
Great post and you are living proof! Even with ms, you can do it, if you can, we all can. I love your testimony!!!! ❤️🤗 
26 janv. 20 par le membre: wifey9707
Thank you for sharing and t hat jacket looks great on you! 
26 janv. 20 par le membre: Ireland-83
Thanks for an inspiring post. You look great; healthy and happy! 
26 janv. 20 par le membre: Lucille Ball
AWEsome!!! :)  
26 janv. 20 par le membre: billtech66
Thank you all so much for you kind words and encouragement and taking the time to read my thoughts. And, thank you for sharing all of yours as well. And, yes wifey - every single one of you is absolutely capable of being the transformation you want to see in your lives and in this world. Actually, it's already there - the hardest part is getting the mind out of the way so that inner light can shine thoroughly and completely :-) 
26 janv. 20 par le membre: Egull1
You look great, and thank you for sharing your story and this information! I am 3 months away from my goal, down 40 pounds battling the last 10 like crazy. I hear those challenging voices too.  
26 janv. 20 par le membre: claireosullivan
You look great keep it up ✌️😄your doing it!!! 
27 janv. 20 par le membre: scarface187


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