Journal de ヤママユガ, 03 oct. 23

2222 kcal Gras: 133,16g | Prot: 97,81g | Glu: 164,32g.   Petit Déjeuner: ミックスナッツ, ゆで卵. Déjeuner: 吉野家 牛丼特盛, 生卵, 吉野家 みそ汁. Dîner: 吉野家 とん汁, 吉野家 牛皿 特盛, 生卵. plus...

margatynaさん> The red one is "pickled ginger.🫚 『Ingredients Ginger, plum vinegar, pickled vegetables (salt)/acidifier, seasoning (amino acid), vegetable coloring』 I am fully aware that food additives can be harmful to the body. When it comes to health, I, too, think that it is better not to put alcohol, cigarettes, factory mass-produced processed food, beverages in plastic bottles, food and drinks with residual pesticides and artificial sweeteners in the body. However, if you are looking for something that does not contain any of those elements, you will not find it. ☀️My take on health.☀️ No matter how healthy you eat, you will always take poisons into your body, regardless of the degree to which you eat. What is important, then, is to eliminate poisons from the body and prevent them from accumulating in the body. That's why I am usually conscious of "eating good food for blood vessels". If the blood vessels are healthy, the kidneys and liver function normally and toxins can be eliminated from the body. I prefer 'I don't care if it contains 00, I'll eat it' to 'I don't eat it because it contains 00. 
05 oct. 23 par le membre: ヤママユガ


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