Journal de hobodon (호주부), 28 oct. 19

2019-10-28 dinner

2178 kcal Gras: 84,12g | Prot: 93,41g | Glu: 274,22g.   Petit Déjeuner: 사과 (껍질 제외), 상하목장 유기농 우유 (200ml), 귤, 골든천 무염 포션버터, Wasa Whole Grain Crispbread, 삶은 계란, 찐고구마, 아몬드, 반건시. Déjeuner: 매일유업 매일우유 멸균, 계란찜, 김치, 고등어구이, 된장찌개, 공기밥, 바나나. Dîner: 파리바게트 설탕을 쏘옥~뺀 딸기쨈, 배, 골든천 무염 포션버터, 상하목장 유기농 우유 (200ml), 구워 말린 아몬드 (소금없이), 찐고구마, 반건시, Wasa Sourdough Crispbread. plus...
1964 kcal Exercice: Marche (Exercice) - 5,5/kph - 25 minutes, Marche (Rapide) - 6,5/kph - 30 minutes, Travail de Bureau - 7 heures et 30 minutes, Conduire - 1 heure, Vaisselle - 10 minutes, Dormir - 7 heures et 30 minutes, Repos - 6 heures et 25 minutes, Douche - 10 minutes, Cuisiner - 20 minutes. plus...

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hobodon 님 11시방향애잇는과일이 배 나요? 
28 oct. 19 par le membre: jinny66
맞습니다. 큰 배라 1/5 정도만 잘랐는데도 큽니다. 먹고 나니 목이 칼칼하던 게 싹 가셨네요. 👌 
28 oct. 19 par le membre: hobodon (호주부)
안녕하세요, hobodon! 만나서 반갑습니다! 제 이름은 Caramelade이고 현재 인도네시아에 살고 있습니다 😊 
28 oct. 19 par le membre: Caramelade
안녕하세요 caramelade. Nice to see you. Thanks for following me. I am from Korea. 😊 
28 oct. 19 par le membre: hobodon (호주부)
How did you find my post? I was surprised to see that someone from Korea has followed me. Seems like you did very well with your diet! I still have a long way to go... 😅 
28 oct. 19 par le membre: Caramelade
Also, I apologise if my Korean comment was weird or is impolite. I had to use Google Translate 😅😅 
28 oct. 19 par le membre: Caramelade
Thanks Caramelade. I reduce weight to drop my blood pressure, and it seems okay now. 👌 I just saw your posts in the recommendations. Many users from 🇮🇩 on this app. I think it is a long way for everyone because it is important not only to reduce weight but to maintain. Google translate is also used by me. Your translation was perfect. 👍👍😊 
28 oct. 19 par le membre: hobodon (호주부)
Yes, I weighed ~60 kgs a few years ago but due to stress and other circumstances I was 93 when I started using this app (horrible, I know 😅). I'm trying to fix that now 🔧 there are a lot of Indonesians, indeed! Anyway, beautiful meal ❤️🍴 
28 oct. 19 par le membre: Caramelade
Thanks, almost same everyday 😅 and good luck with diet. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 
29 oct. 19 par le membre: hobodon (호주부)


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