Journal de hobodon (호주부), 15 mars 20

340 kcal

1858 kcal Gras: 59,53g | Prot: 58,62g | Glu: 284,65g.   Petit Déjeuner: 강냉이, 사과, 계란후라이, 찐고구마, 혼합 견과류, 사과, 말린 크랜베리. Déjeuner: 단무지, 김치, 왕만두, 칼국수. Dîner: 서울우유 서울우유 (200ml), 딸기, 동원 판타스틱 오리지널, 혼합 견과류, 찐고구마. Snacks/Autre: 파리바게트 설탕을 쏘옥~뺀 딸기쨈, 강냉이, 말린 크랜베리, 혼합 견과류, 골든천 무염 포션버터, 식빵 토스트. plus...
1955 kcal Exercice: Nettoyage - 30 minutes, Aspirateur - 10 minutes, Travail de Bureau - 2 heures, Douche - 20 minutes, Marche (Exercice) - 5,5/kph - 1 heure et 45 minutes, Dormir - 8 heures, Repos - 10 heures et 50 minutes, Cuisiner - 15 minutes, Vaisselle - 10 minutes. plus...

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Added 🍎 and🍿, 425 kcal  
14 mars 20 par le membre: hobodon (호주부)
I'll have the same, please 😊 
15 mars 20 par le membre: EvaSieteTres
apple nuts berries eggs . what us the other thing??? 
15 mars 20 par le membre: tfitia
Enjoy, Eva. :) 
15 mars 20 par le membre: hobodon (호주부)
Hello tfitia, in the photo, there are sweet potatoes. And after eating all, I had one more piece of apple, and a small bowl of popcorn! :) 
15 mars 20 par le membre: hobodon (호주부)
🙈🙈🙈I would not have guessed I was seeing something covered in chocokate maybe 😂😂😂😂. That is a great breakfast yum! 👍 
15 mars 20 par le membre: tfitia
tfitia, I guess you were seeing what you wanted to eat...? 😋👌 You just made me imagine a piece of chocolate cake (at 9 pm on Sunday night). 🤣 
15 mars 20 par le membre: hobodon (호주부)
🙈😂😂😂no at first I thought it was frozen banana covered in dark chocolate but there was no dark spots in the center so not a banana. Our sweet potatoes are more pink and orange like inside.... So would not have guessed. Well I have so chocolate cake if u d like. 🙈😂😂😂 Doesn't loik nice tried it last night but good and quite healthy. No egg. Little oil. Steamed. And whole-wheat flour. And now am guessing it doesn't sound good anymore 🙈😂😂😂 
15 mars 20 par le membre: tfitia
Some sweet potatoes are yellow, some purple. These ones are more yellow. 🍠👌 
16 mars 20 par le membre: hobodon (호주부)
Actually some are purple some almost pink and some are lifht orange and you have the yelliw knes. But urs on the photo look to me Yellow greenish. So I would not have guessed. And I think I really thought it was chocolate on top so was looking for an exotic fruit. 🙈. Will show you how ours look. Am gonna cook some these days just bought some. 
16 mars 20 par le membre: tfitia


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