Journal de hobodon (호주부), 25 juin 21

490 kcal

1742 kcal Gras: 47,44g | Prot: 60,83g | Glu: 256,43g.   Petit Déjeuner: 통밀식빵, 루어팍 가염버터, 커피, 찐옥수수, 사과, 혼합 견과류, 계란후라이. Déjeuner: 맥주, 미소된장국, 혼합 샐러드 채소, 알밥, 새우초밥, 계란초밥, 연어초밥, 광어초밥. Dîner: 혼합 견과류, 풀무원다논 그릭요거트, 천도복숭아, 멘즈앤가서 무설탕 딸기잼, 이즈니 무염 버터, 통밀식빵. Snacks/Autre: 뻥튀기, 천도복숭아. plus...

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Minimalism! I need to learn this. Starting with reducing sugar to max 50g daily. 🙃 
24 juin 21 par le membre: INF
호보돈님 긋모닝:) TGIF>.< 아침에 담는 접시 바뀌신거 같아여?!😁 뭔가심플해진 느낌입니당~ 더욱 아침이 가벼워보여여😆 
24 juin 21 par le membre: hn_0605
호보돈님 😍맛있는 아침 식사😜😛🍎🍏🥝🍏🍉 
24 juin 21 par le membre: cute♡♡
리투아니아님 hn 님 감사합니다. 식빵 먹을 때는 부스러기 때문에 접시를 큰 걸 씁니다 ㅋㅋ 그래서 음식이 적어보이죠. 양은 평소 먹는 것 보다 조금 더 많습니다. (옥수수에 빵까지)🤗 
25 juin 21 par le membre: hobodon (호주부)
Thanks INF, Today’s breakfast is a little larger than the usual, but it looks smaller because food is on a large dish for the bread crumbs. 😹🍽 Normally, I take either half a corn or a piece of bread, but both for today. 🤗🎊 Corns have some sugar, so whole grain bread would be better for you. 🙏😋 A book “The Bulletproof Diet” was very helpful for my weight reduction.  
25 juin 21 par le membre: hobodon (호주부)


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