Journal de smithersboy, 25 nov. 19

After a week home from Europe, jet lag is really messing up my plans to lose the 3kg I put on. I was 59.2 the day after we flew home, six days later 57.8kg but still not sleeping, so sitting up for hours overnight waiting for my body to realise I'm back home and need to sleep at night.

This morning I'm back up again to 58.1kg and want to lose 3kg. I've added in my early a.m. snacks into today's total, which has pushed my calories right up. If I'd slept last night, I'd probably have a different outcome this morning. I'm quite uncomfortable at 58kg and being short, it goes straight to my tummy.

What a shame it isn't as easy to lose weight as it is to pile it on.
58,1 kg Perdu jusqu'à présent: 2,6 kg.    Reste à parcourir: 0,1 kg.    Régime suivi: Raisonnablement Bien.

Voir Calendrier de Régime, 25 novembre 2019:
1229 kcal Gras: 34,42g | Prot: 53,51g | Glu: 173,04g.   Petit Déjeuner: Toasted Multigrain Bread, Egg (Whole), Heart Active Milk, Honey, espresso. Déjeuner: Blueberries, Uncle Tobys Oats, Heart Active Milk, Oats, Honey. Dîner: Blueberries, Egg (Whole), Toscano Bruschettina, Heart Active Milk, milo, Honey. Snacks/Autre: Heart Active Milk, milo, Honey, Arnott's Country Cheese Crackers. plus...
1736 kcal Exercice: Vélo Elliptique - 45 minutes, Repos - 15 heures et 15 minutes, Dormir - 8 heures. plus...
Perdant 1,0 kg par Semaine


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