Journal de FullaBella, 20 juil. 13

Saturday huh? I barely remember this week though it sure did seem to lag around Wednesday.

Bullet Proof Coffee - I'm going to have to pass on being the guinea pig for this one; after several web searches I concluded it's just a way to 'fast' without giving the body solid food to process although the 'primal' eaters say it's a no-no. Opinions...everyone has one, right?

I have actually been doing that for most of the past month now (coffee and water but no solid food for breakfast) because I just haven't been hungry most mornings.

I sort of flat lined at the 3lb loss this morning - yay for the loss but I realize it's the result of skipping breakfast without doubling up at lunch or dinner except that one night when I think my double egg, double bacon, double cheese extra large flour tortilla dinner probably pegged out at about 1200 calories. However, I never felt full or uncomfortable so apparently I really was hungry at the time.

So, in summary, it's just a liquid intermittent fast without actually planning it that way. Not hungry means not hungry; no grand schemes. So I don't think I've been bullet-proof. Maybe a little water-proof as I think it was water weight but I'll take it. Maybe it did make me bullet proof as the fluid retention was my body's preparation for my little visitor who didn't arrive; that witch must have flown right by. Hopefully she won't double back like last month.

The flat line response to the loss is because of it would be really easy for me to start skipping breakfast and probably replace lunch with coffee too. That would be my life long eating disorder kicking in. Need to keep that demon reigned in as I work through the rest of my screwy issues.

Farmers Market this morning - color me happy as they are going to start setting up a couple of extra days during the week for next month. Now I don't feel the need to buy a weeks worth of fresh produce at one time and will have an extra reason to walk somewhere during the week.

I thought about that response walking home. I keep hoping some day I'll have that addiction to exercise so many of my friends share here. I keep imagining myself 'running' and of course, in my fantasy I'm doing it smoothly and smiling not that lumbering frowning whumpittybumpwhambump when I do it on the treadmill.

But for now, I still resist the idea of expending energy without a reason. Walking to the market, fine. Walking a mile on the treadmill, silly.

Walking up flights of stairs to go to that little place in the building, fine. Walking 10 flights on a stair master, silly.

Lifting my inventory for shows and rearranging furniture, fine. Lifting a barbell or kettle bell, silly. But again, that's just me.

If only I could be as efficient with my writing as I am with my body this journal would be summarized in a single paragraph. Maybe if I lifted a barbell I wouldn't need to journal so much.

My friend the body builder commented the other day 'if you would just work your upper body a bit you'd be amazed at the difference.' Yeah, I know. He was offering this as his validation for when he answered the question to which I really did want an honest answer: 'What would you estimate my weight based and don't spare my feelings because I'm a girl?' He guessed me 5lbs lighter than I am / was but I calculate he was shaving off his estimate because he has been married long enough to know he could have had to watch me cry. Oh well.

My legs are very muscular, of course, after carrying around so much weight for so long. But yeah, my upper body, no, not so muscular.

I am, though, intrigued at the changes I'm seeing in my body even without the upper body workout. In the past I would buy 'all in ones' (whatever they call that one piece bra-girdle combination that looked like a bullet-proof swimsuit) whenever I lost enough weight to actually fit into and bend over to hook the crotch of one. I never really liked them because they mashed me in the wrong places leaving me more straight than curvy but they did help keep the abdominal flab from rolling over the waist of my too tight jeans.

This time though, because I am trying not to repeat things I've done in the past, I am doing the long-line bra (my apology to guys if you're reading) but not so much a girdle because I'm not wearing my pants tight. And now, I'm actually sporting some curves when dressed. Undressed I'm still the hot mess result of yo-yo weight loss and gravity but I can live with that. However, I do believe my abdominal muscles are responding positively to the different underthings.

Wrapping up today - a vent. I've decided to claim senility and say our vows likely included 'love and cherish' only and I do both. I'm sure 'tolerate' was in there too as it seems I am living with the real live Martin Crane here in Bellawood.

His old recliner chair was breaking down, squeaky beyond lubricating and had grown immune to all cleaning products and the exact identical model despite sharing the same inventory number came in a variety of materials, sizes and stuffings, none of which he'd accept. I have a brand new very pricey recliner gathering dust for the past three years over in the storage room to prove it.

So we did the do-si-do about 'you really need a new chair' this week and the furniture store, understanding his inability to go IN to the store, agreed to let us keep a new one for the 'day' for him to test.

Yet, when they delivered it today, he said 'fine, take the old one away'. I warned 'please, just test it... ' but he wouldn't.

NOW I'm hearing all the 'I don't like this....' it's too high, it's too stuffed, it's too...' you get the idea. Goldilocks in the big bear's chair. All I can do for now is breathe, shrug, and listen. Hopefully he'll get over it before I lose my temper and call him the ugly names swirling in my head like 'ungrateful.. whiney.. impossible to please ... man'.

You gotta hand it to him though. Who else could make me feel like guilty crap over a gift?

Then again, that's only if I allow him. Yikes. Breathing in good thoughts... exhaling the bad.. whew....

79,8 kg Perdu jusqu'à présent: 49,4 kg.    Reste à parcourir: 0 kg.    Régime suivi: Raisonnablement Bien.
Perdant 1,9 kg par Semaine

Enjoyed that. Fun to read. 
20 juil. 13 par le membre: Glaun
One breath at a time, my friend... or maybe one breath for each complaint! Well, I'm excited for you & the 3 lb loss. You've worked so hard, have come so far eating mindfully & are my idol -- Congrats & good for you! (Remember, you just say thank you!) I hear what you are saying about the not eating breakfast, even though I'm rarely not hungry in the morning. While I was struggling at the reunion, I tried not eating until later in the day hoping it would get me back on track, but for me it always backfired & eventually I overate. But that's just me & as we both know, we're each on our own journey & part of our study of one. I only share this because it also made me realize that my disordered eating could easily pop up & to be aware of how easy it could be to slip back into that habit. I'm just so glad to have you on this journey with me, maybe not on the same exact path, but with the same goals & many times in unison! xoxox 
20 juil. 13 par le membre: Ruhu
Congrats on the 3 lb loss Bella!!! I know what you mean about an ungrateful reaction to a gift!! Now if he's anything like my hubby, once that recliner is 'broken in" he'll love it!! He'll be at the same place and crabbing about a new one if this one ever wears out!! Take it one breath and one day at a time!!! Sometimes I think of a little joke I saw once...Men, cant live with 'em, and can't shoot 'em!! Hope that gave you a laugh today!! Keep up the good fight!!! Lu ( I sent you a buddy request)  
20 juil. 13 par le membre: pumakitten
yikes, replace the chair! that is a bubig step. just jump on it while he's out, maybe it will break it in hehe. i love your statement, don't want to expend energy...i enjoy my walks, and don't love going to the gym, but, ya, i said but... when you get use to it, you do feel a lit better. the most inspiring thought for me to get into the gym is my 95 lb mother who is too weak to stand because she refuses to do anything. then all the seniors that can't walk, just from letting themselves go. i hope we can combat the weight before we get weak. sounds like you are really getting into the groove with what and when you eat. congratulations! that is awesome.  
20 juil. 13 par le membre: Lizzygracemusic
Hmmmmm maybe he needs a distraction from the new chair. Starched pajamas? A new recipe with curry? Loud hip hop music coming from the kitchen? You do a most excellent job bella..most things around the home are fairly thankless and sacrificial. I used to have a fantasy of going to the dollar store and buying the silver star dress up sheriffs badge and wearing it clipped to my bra. Haha. Those were the days when I felt like the lone cowboy surrounded by all the Indians. 
21 juil. 13 par le membre: sharonfriz
This is the absolute best journal entry ever! Bella, we must meet. Your words are like DITTO. Love it! You feel exactly the same way about exercise that I do. I want there to be a purpose. Walking the bridge, for what? It would be nice if there was a protein shake/iced coffee/tea refresher stand at the end. Then of course there would be a purpose. Somewhere to sit and enjoy the sunset while sipping on a cool, low calorie beverage. And your husband making you feel guilty over a gift! OMG. Did that not just happen to me? An XXL all the way from Vegas. It was my choice. A beautiful trendy Hawaiian shirt. Only, it didn't fit, and it was my fault! An XXL? Really? Fine print read US, XL. So what! He needs to lose weight too and he knows it. He just took out his frustrations on me, but he will lose it. I will make sure of it. :) Thank The Lord for tight fitting clothes or,else we may never know we're getting fat! BTW, I'm on day 5 of just liquids....10 more to go. Wow. 10 more to go 
21 juil. 13 par le membre: sailorgrl
Morning Bella!! Congrats on the weight loss. What I would give to lose 3 pounds..Be proud of the hard work to lose that weight!! Happy Monday! 
22 juil. 13 par le membre: chattycathy1955
I'm ready to post a 3 lb loss! Good for you. I've traded in my Monday intermittent fasting (IF) for skipping breakfast all week. We will see how that works. Seems like you and I are on the same schedule. Hope DH starts to fit into his new chair. :) 
22 juil. 13 par le membre: Neptunebch
@Glaun - thank you. @Angel - yeah, I had that happen yesterday but unintentional @Puma - I know, men hate change and still today I'm hearing the whining; giving it time @Lizzy - I know, sometimes I wonder if my expectations for getting older and still being mobile are realistic with all the damage I've done to my body @Sharon - Rap music...ohhh... never thought of THAT... I was just slamming pots & pans, duh ... @ Monica - thank you and I agree I wish there were a gelato or flower shop or something but for now I'm content there's a farmer's market @Cathy - good to hear from you my friend and believe me I'd still swap weights with you in a blink but I don't want to work as hard as you do @Susan - thank you too. Thank you all for stopping by and commenting on my journal. Have a great day. 
22 juil. 13 par le membre: FullaBella


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