Journal de FullaBella, 06 août 13

I can't remember the last time I felt this bored, stagnate, irritated, aggravated, and apathetic. Oh, yeah.. I can... yesterday. And the day before that. And I think the one before that. Before that? I can't remember. Hence the lack of journals. This one didn't improve any so read at your own risk.

Things are just .. the same. No big tragedies; no big exciting news. DH's health is holding but he is being really hard to live with right now. There's just no pleasing him. Seriously. I could give about 100 inane examples but you'd likely not believe me. I'm just asking you to trust me. It's a lose / lose situation here lately.

Last night I lost my ability to 'let it all roll off my back like a duck' and went out on the deck and ranted so loud I made the dogs next door bark (and they were inside the house!).

Then I painted something I titled 'Rage'. I used a palette knife and a lot of red, black and yellow paint. Use your imagination. My little makeshift art studio is a splattered mess. I think I rinsed a half pound of skin down the drain trying to loofah the paint off my face, hands, legs, feet and arms. There. There's my 'weight loss' portion of this journal.

OK.. so here's a vent .. maybe if I get this out of my head I'll be able to move on. I need a break. I so freaking need a break. You all know it. You all get it. But my heartless witch of a stepdaughter either doesn't get it or could not care less.

This PAST weekend, likely the reason for my unshakeable funk, I COULD have gone away for my '48 hour pass' but .. no.... they already had plans to go to the LAKE before school started.

Now... school doesn't start until NEXT week but anyway ... I didn't want her to adjust her plans for me. Well, I did, but she didn't offer. So I have a trade show THIS weekend so of course, Bella always comes LAST so I'm going next weekend. On a Thu/Fri because she has plans that Sat night. Agggh.

But this past weekend.. the one I 'couldn't go' on because they were going to the lake? THEY DIDN'T GO. It was 'too hot'. No kidding. Hot in August. Go figure. So I was home, bored, and resentful. There, I said it.

And having DH rant at me that the temperature beside his chair spiked to a unbearable 68 degrees because I was using the oven to bake his requested stuffed hen, homemade biscuits and not one but TWO cobblers (peach & cherry) was ... well... making it hard for me to breathe. The heat was in triple digits outside but I stayed out there as much as possible to escape the hell that had become my Sunday.

I don't think I ranted this one out but here goes - because it's similar and feels like a ton of angry bricks piling up in my head. A few months ago my friend had really nice balcony seats to a once in a lifetime musical in the BigCity and invited me but I couldn't go because the SD couldn't (wouldn't) stay with her FATHER that day because she had plans.

What were they? you ask.... haha. She was going to one of those flipping Mary Kay 'free makeover and buy $$$ of our stuff ' things. My apology to MK gals everywhere but those aren't exactly once in a blue moon events. Plus, it was being held across the street at the restaurant. For an hour. An hour that she could have had someone stay w/her FATHER then come back and be a good daughter. But no. I pass on a really nice invitation. For that. By the time I found out what it was.. it was too late to call my friend and 'reinvite' myself. Gah!

So I feel stuck and aggravated that I need some freaking HELP here. And I understand.... NO ONE wants to stay with DH because he is so mean lately. But I need a BREAK. More often than a couple of times a YEAR if he's going to continue to sink into this constant pit of outwardly directed anger.

Either that, or I'm going to need a lot more paint. And a raincoat.

Thanks for reading. My Grandmother used to say 'if you can't say something nice, just keep quiet.' Well, she's dead now. So there. Sorry Granny.


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Nice is fekkin' overrated Bella. SD is being a selfish cow. Is there really no funding available to hire someone to come stay with him? A part time nurse? A home health care worker? I know these services exist. Tell SD hers are no longer required, hire someone on a regular weekly basis, and get the hell out of the house for a day every week. You need to do this. That, or send DH somewhere else for the day-although sending him to a rehab home or day care for adults may irritate him further, but he'll be irritated elsewhere so you don't have to listen to it. 
06 août 13 par le membre: CollyMP
And quite relying on family to do things-no one will let you down quite as well as family. We both know this very well. Cut 'em out of the picture-they don't get to vote on his care because they aren't participating. Your mental health has value, decide what it's worth and hire someone. 
06 août 13 par le membre: CollyMP
I just deleted my comment. I'm kind hoping the 2-3 mins it was up you actually got to read it but it was just too honest. I hate that you are in this situation but I must admit that if my DH were sick this is exactly the way it would be. :( 
06 août 13 par le membre: Neptunebch
Oh Bella. I can't say it any better than @CollyMP. DH needs a wake-up call and you need to feel ok about it. You have become worse than taken for granted. You are the doormat. I know something about this. Unless you are willing to put guilt aside and be unavailable now and then, doormat you will continue to be. If you were angry and bitter and had a slave to take it out on, why would you give that up? I'm sure he's not a bad guy, but it is a bad situation. If you want it to improve, it's in your hands. Dump the guilt and fight for Bella' s right to enjoy life. While you're at it, dump the bee-ach SD too. Ok I said what I think. Forgive me if it's too blunt. It was said with love and sorrow for your untenable situation. <3 Teri 
06 août 13 par le membre: teskandar
Haven't got any good advice, just {{{{hugs}}}}... 
06 août 13 par le membre: Mary in LA
Oh Angel, I have to agree with what's already been said! You are so good at taking care of so many -- DH, grandsons, so many of us here on FS... now its time to take care of you! Is there anyway you can hire some help? It'd be so worth the cost, & I can't think of anyone who deserves it more! Sending you much love & long hugs, and wishing I were there to deliver them personally! xoxox  
06 août 13 par le membre: Ruhu
You're all very kind to read and encourage me to take care of myself. Nursing home & hired help are just not options; I cannot explain it so again, just asking you to trust me. It is what it is and I am glad I can come here to vent when it gets to be too much. I am going to start demanding more 48 hour passes; like one every other month. And DH is holding his tongue today (he realized he'd passed the line last night when even the DOG wouldn't have anything to do with him. I think that hurt him more than ME being ticked off!) So.. a place to vent.. kind friends who listen... I'm truly blessed. Thank you all. 
06 août 13 par le membre: FullaBella
I'm so sorry you're going through this, Bella - it's not fair at all that you are taking on the brunt of everything, you deserve a break whenever you need it!! And even if DH wasn't getting so cranky and moody and mean, you'd still come to resent the fact that he is pretty much making you a prisoner of your own house.. not fair for either one of you.. At least you can escape to your makeshift studio to get some alone time - maybe you need to make that a habit more often? Getting away to a sanctuary within your home? Tell DH that he is 'on his own' for the next 4 hours, but that if he needs something, he can text you and you'll see if you're at a spot in your bubble bath/book reading/meditation that allows you to come help for 2 minutes.. ;) Ugh.. vent away all you need, girl - stay strong and sane! :) 
06 août 13 par le membre: erika2633
Just sucks Bella!  
06 août 13 par le membre: Rubie-sue
We do have the same grammy..or watched Bambi too many times! Vent all you want and sometimes it's ok to vent at him!!! Let him know "you always hurt the one you love" is not to be taken literally. 
06 août 13 par le membre: 2toofat
Sucks!! Hopefully you find a way to remedy the situations! :( Anyone who makes a dinner like you mentioned definitely deserves some appreciation and thanks!! You rock I can just imagine the smell in the house... mmmmmmmmmm. Heaven... 
06 août 13 par le membre: CJT1217
Oh man, can I empethize with your situation. YOU need to make double darn sure that there is time daily, weekly, monthly - for YOU. If the caretaker is not taking care then they cannot give the way their heart wants too give. It's not only OK to make the decisions needed to accomodate your needs, in some ways those decisions are required. Stop asking the SD and start telling her. Stop dancing on pins and needles for DH and start being matter of fact. Sounds like no matter what you do his moods will be his moods, just like your needs need to be your needs. I also know that many governemental health departments offer relief services for these types of situations. Have you contacted them? IDK I offer hugs and I offer prayer and I offer understanding. Good luck and do what you need to do for you once in a while, to stay healthy.. :) 
06 août 13 par le membre: Sam Loves Ernie
Oh, Bella, I feel for you. I know small towns don't have all the services available that larger centers do, but is it possible that you could get a homecare "sitter"? I know the system in the U.S. is quite different than here - the "sitters" are paid for by our health care system so there is no cost to the individual. But, even if your insurance didn't cover it, surely it wouldn't cost too much to have a qualified care giver come in and sit with DH for a few hours once in a while. Anyway, I hope it's something that could help your situation. I have seen first hand the toll that taking care of an infirm loved one at home can take on the caregiver. Don't feel guilty for wanting a break. Not only is it something you deserve, your sanity demands it! 
06 août 13 par le membre: evelyn64
Bella, all of the above, I feel for you and wish there was a solution. It's your journal, vent as much and as often. We will always be here to listen. Hugs girl and DH's family absolutely freakin' suck. 
06 août 13 par le membre: sarahsmum
I agree with all of the posts above. You have to take care of your self because if you break who is going to take care of him? 
06 août 13 par le membre: fatoldlady
Hey sweetie...believe me when I say I know exactly what your going help, no time for you, no understanding...but they sure can give you advice on how you should do the job your self..and get mad cause they think your not doing it right..Of course you need a break and you should just say to your SD I'm leaving for a while and if you want you DAD to be taken care of you better get your butt over and do it...But that's me...It took a nervous break down before my SIL's would help me out..with their I feel for ya honey..Love and Hugs...:O) 
06 août 13 par le membre: BHA
You are a very special lady, Bella! We are here for you... and as Isabel said, it's your journal so vent away. I would stock up on more paint and just start throwing it to the canvas. It's a great place to let out your emotions. ;)  
06 août 13 par le membre: Mom2Boxers
Believe me, I understand where you're coming from... I know you've said that nursing hime or private nurse aren't options for whatever reason--have you considered Life Alert or a similar company? You know, the "I've fallen and I can't get up!" people with the "panic button" necklace thingee that monitirs and summons help if needed. I rented one for my dad, very reasonable $. It allowed me to leave for a few hours here and there for my sanity, knowing he had a type of backup. Also...and please take this as a question from someone who used to be a home hospice an option, or even home health aid through medicare? You've never gone into total specifics re. DH's medical condition/needs (that I know of), so thought I'd ask. It amazes me how many docs don't even mention those 2 options to families like they used to. If nothing else, please know, for what it's worth, that I understand, I care, and I HEAR you! *hugs* 
07 août 13 par le membre: RavenSoul69
Argh, please forgive too early for my brain, obviously, heh. 
07 août 13 par le membre: RavenSoul69
Happy Wednesday Bella, hope you are having an upbeat, happy day and no gallons of red paint required :) 
07 août 13 par le membre: sarahsmum


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