Journal de FullaBella, 10 sept. 13

Tuesday the 10th and the month of September continues to fall into place as if being conducted by the Good Wizard of Karma.

Last week I decided to rename my health mission for year two; changing it from 'Operation Oatmeal' to 'Faith Cruise II' as I drift steadily on the ocean of maintenance and sea of fine tuning. (Too flowery? Sorry)

Yesterday my manicurist gave me a coffee mug she brought back for me from her recent real life cruise - very nice mug with a photo of the cruise ship on it and I enjoyed my coffee in it this morning.

This was not only phenomenal to me because of the coincidence in the way 'faith' and 'cruise' continues to weave through my days but because someone brought ME a gift from their trip. That's never happened to me. And she's been holding it for over a month too. Incredibly touching.

DH's response was 'way cool but just how much have you been tipping her anyway?' Men. I tried to explain the relevance of the 'cruise' theme connection and he gave me the blank 'please finish so I can get back to Family Guy' gaze.

Well, I need to go Google the hypochondriac website to figure out what's possibly going on with me. The lining of my mouth is burning (as if I just chewed down on a block of salt although I didn't nor have I had anything high sodium), I've had a migraine for the fifth morning in a row and I think I'm lapping up about 2 gallons of water a day. Probably need to start by borrowing DH's diabetes kit and checking my sugar.

But before I go - a few shots from Bellawood this morning:

Thank you for reading and viewing. Hope you are having a great day.


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Wow your photos are really cool. Thanks for sharing them. Gotta get back to work but glad I got to read your journal today. :) 
10 sept. 13 par le membre: Neptunebch
Thank you Susan. 
10 sept. 13 par le membre: FullaBella
Love that your manicurist gave you that gift! Very neat! Hope your Google search doesn't drive you crazy... I always find the worst case scenario through the internet, ha! Great pictures - I love watching my birds too, especially the hummingbirds! :) 
10 sept. 13 par le membre: erika2633
Hmmm, dry burning mouth, excessive thirst hope its nothing serious. Love your pictures, youmust have a really good camera to catch those birds in mid flight, especially those hummingbirds. 
10 sept. 13 par le membre: fatoldlady
@Erika - LOL - yeah, I think about the only self -diagnosing I could do using the internet would be 'mentally retarded' - one google of these symptoms produced 'burning mouth syndrome' ... I'm like 'no kidding'. And the causes were anything from hormones to depression and gee... nothing new here. @ Lady - I shoot a Nikon CoolPix80 using the 'action' feature; I'm so inspired by these photographs I'm actually considering reading the manual on how to 'freeze' the wings so they are better defined.  
10 sept. 13 par le membre: FullaBella
Bella, I really enjoyed your journal post. Partly because I'm all hormones myself, and partly because I love that you have code names for your diet. Operation Oatmeal. That makes me burst into a smile. Lol. Anyway, I wanted to recommend looking up diabetes insipidous. It's a different type of hormone problem that causes excessive thirst, dry mouth, etc. Also, eating anything too acidic lately? Could cause mouth issues? 
10 sept. 13 par le membre: radiochick
Also, any chance the new coffee mug isn't the source of your mouths distress?  
10 sept. 13 par le membre: radiochick
@Radio - thank you for visiting ~ I'd just come back here to give a 'vital sign' update - BP was 137 /58, pulse was 57 and blood sugar was 96 and I'd just eaten macaroni & cheese (homemade and OH SO GOOD) about two hours before the draw so I'd say not bad for a bowl of simple carbs, LOL. This has been going on since Saturday - I knew something was up when 'dill pickles' seemed to burn my mouth and someone jokingly called me a camel in observation of the aqua guzzling so it's not the new mug. I even did a coconut oil pulling last night and that usually solves 'icky mouth' syndrome and as a last resort I flossed *(ick)* so ... still working through the usual suspects before I call Dr. House. Thank you again. 
10 sept. 13 par le membre: FullaBella
Yeah, that's really good after mac-n-cheese. Here's a link the info on diabetes inspidous. Different thsn the glucose diabetes we know. 
10 sept. 13 par le membre: radiochick
@Radio - thank you for the link - I'd cruised the wiki info but didn't find a 'fix this or your nose will fall off' conclusion. I kind of liked the part where it cautioned it could interfere with appetite and weight gain and probably stopped reading after that. If it continues I'll call a Saw Bones to do some level drilling. Thanks again. 
10 sept. 13 par le membre: FullaBella
I need to get my hubby one of those cameras! Those shots are totally awesome! It is hard to get the hummingbird in a still like that. My cameras must really by sucky. LOL! Keep cruising, Bella... you are really doing great! Not looking at age, but your symptoms are one of the many of menopause. I am sending you a message with other cause. ;) 
10 sept. 13 par le membre: Mom2Boxers
Love the pictures you've been posting!! Just caught your last few journals. Beautiful!! No idea on the dry mouth but I too fall into the death trap of the interwebz for random symptoms and suddenly I think I'm dying haha. Hope you figure it out soon! 
10 sept. 13 par le membre: Bkeller1023
@M2B - thank you for the Msg - I got my Nikon years ago - some day I'm going to read the manual :-) @BK thank you too... yeah... too much time diagnosing on the interweb will do that to ya. To all.. thank you for the comments and concern. I finally remembered I've been screwed up on my BP meds and I'm sure that's what's going on - sm going to give it a few days. Thanks! 
10 sept. 13 par le membre: FullaBella
Love the pictures. Your backyard looks so peaceful. I love watching the birds (and even the bugs) in the yard. We have two praying mantis' in one of our gardens. It's fun to see how everything gets along in the garden. Hope you're feeling better soon and get your meds straightened out. 
10 sept. 13 par le membre: SJacqueline
Great pics Bella! Got to love your hubby. lol How nice that she brought you something back. I can relate to the surprise and to how wonderful it must have felt to have someone thinking of you.  
11 sept. 13 par le membre: chattycathy1955
Great photos from church...lovely present from your manicurist....something about self love overflowing there. Ummmm so you seriously ate Mac and cheese...homemade....and didn't dive into the pot?? I need to borrow your supercape. 
11 sept. 13 par le membre: sharonfriz
Love the dove on it's perch-looks like he's overseeing the whole operation. Hope you've figured out your symptoms and it's nothing serious. I think we all do the same on the WebMD when we have an issue. Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing. Bella you're always cooking up something good. I don't do much cooking anymore and if I do it's usually something fast.  
11 sept. 13 par le membre: cjmurph
Beautiful!!! And I second Mom2Boxers, my fellow "internet MD". ;) Dry mucous membranes somewhere on one's body (eyes, mouth, *ahem* other places) are often associated with perimenopause. 
11 sept. 13 par le membre: Mary in LA
@SJac - thank you - I am always amazed at how fast time passes when I'm out there as compared to being inside on a slow day ... @Cathy - yeah, it was really touching that she thought of me while on a cruise .. so cool @Sharon - LOL - you know, a year ago I would have .. I'd have said 'that's it.. it's fall off the wagon day' but now ... I just enjoyed it and still liked myself later.. go figure ... I guess self love is over flowing :-) @CJ - yes, I love the doves.. but I love the sparrows and the bees and all of it ... I do a lot of cooking - it really helps me not eat - weird but true... @Mary - thank you too . And to everyone - yes, I am feeling much better today. Burning mouth went away so I guess taking blood pressure meds two days in a row is the ticket :-) Thank you all for your concern and suggestions.  
11 sept. 13 par le membre: FullaBella
Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures (and the ones from previous journals, too!). They remind me so much of my parents' former home out in the country in Manitoba. They had so many different species of birds and many feeders scattered around the yard to make the viewing even more spectacular. I like the cruise analogy. I often call it a journey but "cruise" sounds more relaxing and enjoyable :) 
11 sept. 13 par le membre: evelyn64


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