Journal de FullaBella, 17 oct. 13

Borrowing a quote from Ned Flanders: "Pull out your box of crayons and color me tickled pink."

Just when I began to suspect the Sunbeam was broken it displayed a 2lb loss today. It's either Karma's way of honoring my one year anniversary of joining Fat Secret or my body offering a ransom from the treadmill. 'Ok, ok, here's a loss, don't make me do that again, alright?'

Or it could have been that I doubled up on the chia seeds & yogurt for my snack last night and it helped me avoid the night stalker in addition to encouraging some things to 'move along'. Or maybe it was just freaking time. Geez, 90 days of no change pretty much set a record for my own personal history of inexplicable plateaus.

The sun is finally back but the morning was chilly. Even though I could have bundled up in the back yard with Mushy I returned to (cue celebratory music) the treadmill again; maybe my body will double the payoff. I imagine my muscles are holding at least another pound of water considering I'm pretty dang sore. While I do walk a lot and stand more than ever, I don't usually do it at 4mph for a solid half hour.

I painted last night; probably at least a month since I crossed that threshold. My art came out kind of 'murky' - blended and slight clouded colors serving as a fairly accurate indicator of my mood of late - but not bad. As a retired artist recently shared with me, "There is no bad art. There are just some people who can't appreciate your expression."

While painting I reflected back on the day and part of that included your journals, comments and posts. I found myself thinking about my friends here, wondered how they were doing, what they were doing, etc.

Point? I absolutely love that when I think about you all, it's not related only to food, wanting to eat or not eat, lose weight, etc. I just think of you as friends and we share our lives online and that does happen to include a focus on eating healthy and making peace with our cravings but it's so much more.

I've known several people in AA, NA, OA, etc., and 'some' of them have said they hate going to the meetings because being around the others reminds them of their own weakness and addiction. That could have been just their own take on things, I don't know. But coming here, I feel like I'm just hanging out with friends, sharing my story, being supported and encouraged and hopefully doing the same.

You've all taught me so much, especially related to enjoying food in moderation. I'd lost 25lbs 'my way' by the time I joined here. My way, if you're new reading, was starve, binge, purge, lather, rinse, repeat. Reading about 'everything in moderation' seemed strange. But it's worked.

How do I know? Because for breakfast this morning I had ham and onions sauteed in real butter with two whole eggs poached on top. I'd intended to have cheese but as a 'are you still able to measure accurately with your eyes' random pop quiz I had tossed the cheese on the scale ... yep, under an ounce, but forgot it. Didn't even notice it was missing until I found it while preparing DH's lunch.

Prior to joining here and you wonderful people helping me sort out the truth on real food versus processed, good fat versus propaganda, and good sustainable habits versus self-punishing madness, well... No way I'd have eaten a whole egg without feeling guilty, much less two. And real butter, are you freaking kidding me? It makes me sad to think of how many egg yolks I tossed down the sink during my prior two weight loss adventures. Or how I'd try to convince myself that egg white omlet with fat free cheese really tasted just as good as the real thing.

I still have more work to do. More automatic connections to disconnect. More healing. This is a wonderful place to do it. Thank you all so much.

Hope you're having a great day, my friends.

78,9 kg Perdu jusqu'à présent: 50,3 kg.    Reste à parcourir: 0 kg.    Régime suivi: Raisonnablement Bien.
Perdant 0,9 kg par Semaine

Hi Friend! I too think of my FS buddies as friends, not just weight loss companions. Weight loss is a side benefit to being here. You guys are my support system as we are yours I suppose. Glad you had a loss; and that the chia seeds did their job twofold (no evening hunger and a good pipe cleaning - lol) Re your comments on my latest lingerie journal - yes it is a bit like - ha ha, you have NO idea what is going under this prim exterior. love it! You sound so much more chipper today and I'm happy for you. Also happy that you got some painting done, a way to express some of the things you can't say, or rather can't express because they may not be fully formed yet? All in all seems like today is a good day :) xxxx 
17 oct. 13 par le membre: sarahsmum
I love reading your journals Bella. It sometimes echo's my own thoughts. I love coming here too, and to be friends with such giving people!! I just wish everyone could get along so well!! Maybe it is that little bit of anonymity that makes it work. What ever it is, it works. I am glad I have you as a friend, and everyone else on my buddy list! I have learned alot here, and I hope I helped someone else too. Have a wonderful day today bella!!  
17 oct. 13 par le membre: pumakitten
Yes, it does sound like you're having a great day too, and you made mine even greater with this journal. And yes, we are so lucky to have found each other here on FS. Like you said, its so much more than just weight loss support. I'm so glad you've treadmilled 2 days in a row... are you an avid exerciser in the making?!? You might just yet get addicted as I am. It does so life my spirits... especially when its over! I have to agree that between that & your painting again, it must have boosted your spirit & the scale! Hope your great day continues! xoxox 
17 oct. 13 par le membre: Ruhu
Yes, all those reasons are what brought me back here a second time. I really missed the connections and sense of community on here. Congrats on breaking the plateau! Here's to continued moderation and downward trends on the scale :) 
17 oct. 13 par le membre: evelyn64
Hey there sweetie...I do sooo love your they say what I think most of the time...and yes...I have never done as well until I joined this wonderful site...and met sooo many awesome all are my extended family but in a way better than real family...I feel I can tell you any thing and not be judged or even worse..shunned because I think differently...Congrats big time on finally getting past that plateau...I know the feeling soo well...Love and Hugs...:O) 
17 oct. 13 par le membre: BHA
And I complained because I'd not lost in 6 weeks. You, 3 months. Yikes!!! I am humbled.  
17 oct. 13 par le membre: ClassicRocker
persistence does pay off. the sun does come out - eventually. and, well, PollyAnna, this is a glad town here at FS! Just teasin'. I am truly glad to have met you here. I tote you around in my head because the other "me's" up there tend to argue too much. take care & keep comin back! 
17 oct. 13 par le membre: Sweet Ce
The FS platform has been such a positive experience for me and largely because I can share in such wonderful journals like Bella’s. I realize I may not experience all of the same experiences but we all get to show support to each other. And even if we don’t see comments, we should know our words impact someone that may read it today, tomorrow or even a year from now. Thank you to my FS buddies and to all of the many journals and comments out there that provide inspiration to move forward. Congrats on the weight loss Bella! It looks like I will be adding chia seeds to my diet really soon :) 
17 oct. 13 par le membre: ChicaLean
I love your journals too, Bella. I think the best thing about FS has been YOU GUYS KNOW MY REAL WEIGHT...and there are no judgments, no crappy comments, nothing but support, encouragement and the feeling that "hey, i'm not alone in this!" I have somewhere to vent when I am feeling like I messed up..(i ate 2 brownies because my mother was harping on me a couple weeks ago, and I knew ya'll would understand)...somewhere to go when I think I will be 'plus size' forever and get discouraged, and somewhere to go to not feel like this is just MY fight. There are many others fighting the same battle every day and it helps..alot to know ya'll are out there. 
17 oct. 13 par le membre: notjune1
Bees to honey at this comment zone! The art comment is relevant to me as I have recently an exponential interest in art. I find I can access deep minded motivation when I add feelings stimulated by expressing through creativities, foods, gardening, even rock/stone sculptures. I intend to start creating mosaics - and now I look at broken things as recyclable assets... 
17 oct. 13 par le membre: Bosuextremonator
I have been reading your for quiet a while now, although I am not your buddy. I do take a lot of inspiration away from them! Thanks to you I have bought the book 'eat what you love, love what you eat'. And it has changed my life, well my relationship with food anyway. I have always loved the real 'stuff' and denied it myself when I was on another 'diet' (although I always say I am not on a diet) but to relearn to eat instintively was such a revelation. To know its ok to eat whatever I want when I am hungry, priceless :) Thank you Bella 
18 oct. 13 par le membre: schmetterling34
I love feeling like I am sharing my life with buddy list is very small these days for that very reason. Thank you bella for being real with your life and allowing me in. So glad the scale gave up 2 giant pounds. You deserve it. 
18 oct. 13 par le membre: sharonfriz
You make me think, smile and want to be a better person. Thank you for all you give me. :) 
18 oct. 13 par le membre: Neptunebch
I, too, think of my FS buddies as friends. I miss y'all when my life (i.e., work) is too crazy for me to check in and keep in touch. Having y'all in my life certainly makes it better. 
19 oct. 13 par le membre: sw21204
Hi Bella, just wondering how you are doing? 
21 oct. 13 par le membre: sarahsmum


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