Journal de FullaBella, 31 oct. 13

Thursday and the sun is shining!!!! Zippity Aye, My oh My what a Wonderful day! Not only am I thrilled as I needed a break from the clouds but our little goblins will have a beautiful evening to beg for candy. I can still remember the rain melting my orange crepe paper costume when I was seven years old. I looked like a victim of a bad spray tan.

The massage therapy induced spasms kicked in around 2am despite having gone to bed with a gel ice pad on my back. Fortunately it was upper not lower and I was still able to walk out to the kitchen for ibuprofen. A second dose at 7am and I am still upright and functioning. So far so good.

In response to a few recent comments on my journals:

*Yes, DH appreciates my cooking, esp the rare times I pull it off well like yesterday. Believe me, I've had my share of kitchen failures. I have been entertaining the idea of serving him in courses rather than plating it all at one time. Despite the extra steps for me it may offer him a chance to slow down and give the dishes their due. My SIL was here for lunch one day and commented 'you plate like a fancy restaurant' and I guess I do... I want his meals to be visually enjoyable too. So I'll think about stepping it up a notch and serving like one. Sometimes. Not every meal.

*Yes, I've had and love acupuncture but we don't have a local therapist. Along with it likely being the only hour I laid really still that week I did have a treatment once where 6-7 needles were pinned into specific points on my earlobe and I got 'high' - I remember saying things like 'the colors, Man, the colors...' She warned 'that could be addictive'...I responded, 'no it again.'

*No, DH doesn't consider me 'funny' in a humorous way. He just thinks I'm kind of odd. In fact, in nearly 25 years of marriage I've managed to make him laugh spontaneously ONCE. Seriously, ONCE. He says my humor is like Benny Hill - people either get me or they don't. Then again, this is coming from a man content to watch Family Guy, Simpsons & American Dad multiple times a day. I think if he did start laughing at me now I'd begin to question my intelligence.

And finally, the much awaited, highly anticipated 'Glass Garden Totem' aka 'My Tribute to Mindful Eating.' While it's not as spectacular as most of those on that earlier link it's special to me. Each piece represents something personal and if you are curious to know and inclined to continue reading, the explanation follows.

Starting at the bottom, the base is a glass hanging light shade and weighs about 10lbs. I felt it would be a great base for support and this piece represents my faith.

The orange vase is a tribute to joining Fat Secret in October last year. It is inverted to represent how my entire lifelong approach to weight loss was turned upside down with EWYL and 'Everything in Moderation'. The costume jewelry necklace symbolizes the beauty I've discovered exploring myself and reminds me that I do live a life worth examining.

The black inverted bowl - when I first began truly understanding the importance of portion control beyond obsessive scale measuring I implemented the EWYL explanation that my stomach is only the size of my fist and to allow for density and chewing I would probably be better served and more comfortable afterward to not consume more than 'two fists' of food. I found this bowl ((after sticking both fists inside many)) and bought several. They make it very easy for me to dish out my portions as I consider 'how much I want to eat' not 'how much CAN I eat'.

I'd ALWAYS followed the 'never apologize for vegetables and salad is a free zone' and would eat a 10-fist size salad. It took a while but I finally understood 'over eating is over eating regardless of the food' and in order to not go meshuggah with high caloric dense foods, I needed to stop over eating, period. The black and clear necklace adorning it is the reminder that this philosophy is black and white with very few grey areas.

The orange ball is another lamp globe; it is my crystal ball into the past, present and future as I forgive myself for my mistakes, pray to continue doing well one day at a time, and envision me happy and healthy in the days ahead.

The plates - though the suggestion is that the plates be clear colored glass I used a couple of plates we've had our ENTIRE marriage. This was a subtle nod to my issues with permanence. They are plain on the bottom so the beaded belt on the top plate is my reminder for those times I want to run away and find a more pleasant or exotic life that the life I have now can be beautiful too when I work on it.

Within the inverted jar above the top plate is a red votive; red represents passion for the things I've discovered and enjoy doing. Walking, painting, cooking, photography, etc.

In the clear glass votive above the red one I've sealed antique marbles for anytime I feel I'm losing (mine) I know where I can find them.

Standing tall on my marbles and passion is my Angel. She represents the Angels in my life and here on FS. She reminds me to have faith and be true to myself and know I am loved in a way that food never will.

An inverted gold goblet supports a star shaped votive that catches the sunlight and reflects the colors around it. That star ...that's me. When I remember to put my best face on and be grateful for the gifts I've been given, I too, am a star.

If you've read this far, Bless you. Thank you for indulging me while I prattled on about my journey and thank you for being my friend.

Bells " width="100%"/> " width="100%"/>
78,9 kg Perdu jusqu'à présent: 50,3 kg.    Reste à parcourir: 0 kg.    Régime suivi: Raisonnablement Bien.
poids stable

I LOVE IT!!!!! I absolutely love it! You are such a creative soul, Bella - a true artist. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful garden sculpture of your growth and triumphs. :-) 
31 oct. 13 par le membre: Mom2Boxers
Amazing! I absolutely love the glass garden totem.  
31 oct. 13 par le membre: 2ManyCurves
Yet again (tired of hearing it yet?), you inspire me. I've been meaning to give my creativity an outlet and I can see from your journal that it can be so very meaningful - not just an "energy outlet" but a true creation of what my internal world is going through. Your totem is beautiful but with the explanation - it is inspiring and meaningful. Thanks again & again for your openness. Hugzzz 
31 oct. 13 par le membre: Sweet Ce
Your totem is SO COOL!!!!! I love it and I love everything that it represents - incredible.... 
31 oct. 13 par le membre: erika2633
What a beautiful piece of art! I love the detail and all the personal meanings to each component. 
31 oct. 13 par le membre: Lindsay6384
Love every thing about it..your a very special gal..and knows her self quite well..And your an Angel to us as well Bella girl...:O) 
31 oct. 13 par le membre: BHA
That totem is a beautiful piece of art Bella!! I love your explanation of every piece. Thank you for this little visual aid of a peek at you. You are also a work of art, your art. Love your journals Bells, you inspire me and a whole lot of other people!! I am glad to call you friend!! Sending big electronic (((HUGS)))!!! 
31 oct. 13 par le membre: pumakitten
That is beautiful Bella, the totem and the words explaining the meaning of each piece. You continue to be an inspiration to many and a blessing to me.  
31 oct. 13 par le membre: sarahsmum
It is beautiful and special Bella!!  
31 oct. 13 par le membre: Rubie-sue
Beautiful and special just like you Bella. Look at it when its raining outside, it will remind you that it is YOU. Love ya Bella!!! 
31 oct. 13 par le membre: PKs Grammie
I think it is great that every piece has a special meaning. It is beautiful and I'll bet it looks beautiful when the sun is shining on it. Thank you for sharing it. Your writing always makes me think about my life in a different way. 
31 oct. 13 par le membre: SJacqueline
Very special and the best one I have ever seen. When you mentioned them before I looked up their images on Google and I didn't see one that was as beautiful as this one. You have a great eye for beauty! 
31 oct. 13 par le membre: Neptunebch
Angel, I so love your totem tribute, which of course couldn't be more appropriate for me than right now as I return from the retreat. I'd love to share it with Michelle if you wouldn't mind, I know she'd love it. She loved hearing our story of finding her & your success with eating mindfully. Xoxox 
31 oct. 13 par le membre: Ruhu
A tremendous amount of thought and love went into your art. Don't want to repeat what everyone above already stated. Other then, an emotional "beyond words" sort of moment for your beautiful heart.  
31 oct. 13 par le membre: ClassicRocker
Thank you for the totem, the pics and the explanation. Fascinating and so inspiring. You seem very unappreciated by DH. How on earth could he NOT think you're funny? You're hilarious! Thanks again. You're really wonderful. 
01 nov. 13 par le membre: *Starshine*


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