Journal de FullaBella, 07 nov. 13

Here's an interesting self body image for you: a big old rusty iron safe. That's what I felt like last night as I read one of my friends blogs at a binge behavior website. Her article touched upon the interesting combination of when trying to heal one's eating disorder still collides with being concerned with weight and size. You know those old western movies where the safe crackers listen close to hear the tumblers fall in place? I felt like another of mine had done the same.

You see, I too go along for days and continue to work on 'Making Peace with Myself' but then I do something stupid and forget healing the eating disorder may very well NOT directly result in weight loss. I have to remind myself I have a bigger stake in all of this than the next smaller size or weight class. In the center of the table I'm wagering my pride and emotions.

In fact, the hardest disorder I fight right now is not eating LESS just to get that scale to move. I am determined to continue in this holding pattern of EWYL and let the healthy chips fall where they may.

I remember my history enough to know that I could easily go back to counting calories and drop my intake down under a thousand and take off another 15 to 20lbs. But the questions being whispered to me as I make it through one more day at a time without a binge, purge or starvation are, "Is it worth it? Why is that number or size better than where you are now?"

Ironic universe in which I live, I found my pedometer this morning by accident. I couldn't find it when I was in one of the many recent challenges I finally abandoned. I joined those when my buddies sent me invites, I considered it kind and caring of them to include me. I found the stories interesting and inspiring. But I really have to, for my own mental and emotional safety, avoid any challenge that includes goals to 'walk Xmany steps a day, reduce intake by Ycalorie and lose Zpounds in Zmonths.'

When I found the pedometer I thought, 'cool, I'll clip it on anyway and see how many steps I DO make in an average day here in Bellawood.' BUT without even taking a deep breath that VOICE chimed in and made some reference to 'stepping it up so as to turn up the metabolism and get the weight loss train back on the track.' It wasn't that jumbled in my head - it was like point A to point Z in a split second but in the end, that was the conclusion.

I like that I walk to the market to pick up my produce and other places in town simply because it gets me out of the house and combines a little quiet thinking time with fresh air. I like that I'm not going through my closet ready to throw away my summer clothes because I do hope to be in the same size next year whether I'm still wearing the same style or not. I like that when I eat I'm not measuring food to the exact gram, wondering if I should go for the yogurt versus cottage cheese because of fat content or any of the other insane restrictive things I did in the past just to keep that scale moving.

I'm beginning to accept that my scale was reincarnated from a metronome as I watch that needle swing back and forth like a pendulum. I can handle the vagueness of the scale as I continue to take inventory of my whole self.

And with the power of positive thinking and sending my prayers to the universe, I believe that someday all of those tumblers will fall into place and a happy sane Bella will step out from behind the finally unlocked door.

Thank you for stopping by,
78,9 kg Perdu jusqu'à présent: 50,3 kg.    Reste à parcourir: 0 kg.    Régime suivi: Raisonnablement Bien.
poids stable

Achieving inner harmony trumps the numbers moving down on the scale. I think we have all been in the mindset of losing weight at all costs, willing to do all kinds of damage to ourselves in the name of thinness. I love how your journals exude a calm wisdom, no rash decisions, no radical changes. I think I heard a tumbler fall....  
07 nov. 13 par le membre: evelyn64
Yes, Angel, you are wise beyond your years & have come so far eating and living mindfully. You are such an inspiration to me, and in a place I hope to get to eventually. For me its baby steps, one at a time! But with you in the lead, I know I'm heading in the right direction! xoxox 
07 nov. 13 par le membre: Ruhu
Great journal...I really needed this today. HUGS 
07 nov. 13 par le membre: smartin585
This was such a great journal entry. I go on vacation soon and I need to allow myself to relax. I am stepping away from the scales and calorie counting for a while. I will remember your words and just enjoy. 
07 nov. 13 par le membre: ChicaLean
You are in that special place that I am striving to be. I can relate to the "challenges" part of your journal. I had signed up for the Second Chance challenge and three days into it, I asked myself what in the H was I doing. I don't want to spend that much time regulating my every move of every single day. I am too spontaneous a person, or too lazy, or something. I don't like being told I HAVE to be somewhere everyday. It shouldn't be like a job. LOL! I would make a lousy safe cracker ... no patience for sitting there listening for the tumblers to fall. I say Let's blow the sucker! 
07 nov. 13 par le membre: Mom2Boxers
Admitting my guilt of begging, hoping, and praying to see the scale go lower. Amongst other reasons, the primary one is to avoid a total knee replacement of my left knee. The right one was done 4/12 when I weighed 230. For every lb. I lose, 4 lbs. of pressure is taken off my bad knee. I can honestly say since I've lost weight, my left knee rarely bothers me. Once in a while there's the tweak, but I've heard it time and again and met people who have done the same thing and avoided an additional surgery. The surgery was a breeze. The recovery was the killer. It took 18 months for it to heal completely.  
07 nov. 13 par le membre: ClassicRocker
Love this journal and your insights Bells. While I am a slave to see those numbers drop, I do appreciate where you are at, in that it's more important to find peace with food, peace with yourself, peace with your demons, than to lose weight. Right now the focus is on healing your mind rather than losing weight. Hopefully the two will happen together - as you heal your mind/spirit, the weight will continue to leave, when you are ready to let it go. Weight has been your protection for a long time and though you have lost weight in the past you hadn't dealt with the reasons for your weight. I am right there with you, I've never done the 'work' necessary to find out why I protect myself with fat. But I am working on it now. It may take me the rest of my life as I am a damn slow learner and it's damn scary, but knowing I am not alone in this journey, although our paths are different, is very helpful. I feel 'safe' here, and know I have sisters to lean on, to guide and to support me. And one day Bells, I am absolutely certain, we will all walk out of that rusty old safe, all the tumblers will be at zero, and we will be whole and healthy and whatever the weight is at that time will be where we are meant to be.  
08 nov. 13 par le membre: sarahsmum
Makes perfect sense to me. :) 
08 nov. 13 par le membre: Neptunebch
A real beauty of insight Bells! We all have our reasons for getting fat, losing it, re-gaining it, but it all boils down to a mental and emotional struggle. You are uncovering yours; whilst making yourself mentally stronger as you go along. One life and you're making it a simple, peaceful one...I like that!  
08 nov. 13 par le membre: Josie Ann
Lots and Lots of ringing going on over here - all of this rings bells for me. And I feel like singing out on my own: YES! Size truly doesn't matter!! I need to feel GOOD about me right now. And feel good about what I put in my body, being sure to love me through the eating and even as I prepare my meals - which for me, right now, includes how hard I work because I've chosen to pay someone to be extremely careful & concerned about my meal preparation. 
08 nov. 13 par le membre: Sweet Ce


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