Journal de Diana 1234, 06 juin 21

Archive d'Entrée de Poids (pas d'entrée de journal) pour le 06 juin 2021
59,4 kg Perdu jusqu'à présent: 10,9 kg.    Reste à parcourir: 0 kg.    Régime suivi: Raisonnablement Bien.

1056 kcal Gras: 49,05g | Prot: 97,21g | Glu: 69,60g.   Petit Déjeuner: Deli Turkey or Chicken Breast Meat, Fried Egg without Fat, BioOptimal Collagen Powder. Déjeuner: Turkey zuchinni meatloaf, Apples, Chobani Lowfat Plain Greek Yogurt, Chicken of the Sea Chunk Light Tuna in Water (Can), Mission Protein Plant Powered Tortilla. Dîner: Calavo Avocado, Mexican casserole. Snacks/Autre: Almonds , Carrots, Sweet Red Peppers, Radish, Dcm choc chip bars. plus...
1583 kcal Exercice: Monter les Escaliers - 10 minutes, Tapis de Course - 10 minutes, Repos - 15 heures et 40 minutes, Dormir - 8 heures. plus...
Perdant 0,5 kg par Semaine

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Little mermee, Thank u. Not sure why I'm dropping...I've been eating. I did hit gym really hard yesterday. Pyramid weight lifting wore me out but today I'm going again to do cardio and a good an workout. Im trying to get some ab muscles. I have the long muscle but not the "6 pack" muscles. Enjoy your Sunday!💜💜💜💜🎉 
06 juin 21 par le membre: Diana 1234
Meant ab workout 
06 juin 21 par le membre: Diana 1234
Nice drop 😊👍 
06 juin 21 par le membre: damablack13
Mermee, Pyramid sets basically help your muscles grow and adapt. I actually did reverse pyramid sets on Sat. It is when you start out with heaviest weight and lowest reps 1st. You do 3 sets, lowering weights each set. It fatigues the muscle fibers and is supposed to give you a more explosive growth of muscle I don't do it all the time, I'm just beginning to incorporate it into my workouts. I usually workout 5-6 days a week. I do take off on Sundays but worked out today since I was in Calif for 2 weeks and had to modify workouts. 
06 juin 21 par le membre: Diana 1234


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