Journal de ヤママユガ, 16 sept. 21

57,9 kg Perdu jusqu'à présent: 12,1 kg.    Reste à parcourir: 0,9 kg.    Régime suivi: Raisonnablement Bien.

Voir Calendrier de Régime, 16 septembre 2021:
1927 kcal Gras: 99,79g | Prot: 152,98g | Glu: 114,66g.   Petit Déjeuner: ウィルキンソン 炭酸水, ミックスナッツ, ゆで卵. Déjeuner: セブンイレブン たんぱく質が摂れるグリルチキン弁当ガーリックトマトソース玄米ごはん, セブンイレブン ゴーヤチャンプルー, セブンイレブン 味付き半熟ゆでたまご, セブンイレブン 6種具材のお豆腐とひじきの煮物, セブンイレブン カニカマバー, 花王 ヘルシア緑茶. Dîner: セブンイレブン 厚切りビーフジャーキー, セブンイレブン 生ハムロース, セブンイレブン 野菜たっぷりポテトサラダ, セブンイレブン 味付き半熟ゆでたまご. plus...
Perdant 7 kg par Semaine

well done ✅🥳 
15 sept. 21 par le membre: Farzana-
@AI@さん> Thank you✨ ▽<|ノシ I think the numbers are getting harder to change. To change your body fat percentage numbers, you need to lose weight or gain muscle mass. I don't care about the body fat percentage in the numbers, so I will continue at my own pace. ▽°|b✨ 
15 sept. 21 par le membre: ヤママユガ
@ヤママユガSan , you doing best.👍🏽 I'm agree with you ☺️.but sheds body fat was very hard for me 😉 
16 sept. 21 par le membre: Farzana-
@AI@さん> Thank you✨ |ノシ>▽<|ノシ Regarding body fat, there is a huge difference between men and women. Especially for women, body fat is "related to female hormones" Female hormones are also made in body fat. This is one of the reasons why it is difficult for women to lower their body fat percentage. Personally, when a woman reduces her body fat percentage, she thinks that "the minimum line is around 20%" in consideration of her health. Too much reduction in body fat percentage can also have a negative impact on your health. ▽°|b✨ 
16 sept. 21 par le membre: ヤママユガ
@ヤママユガSan, thank you 🙏🏽you always informing me dear♥️♥️💪🏽👍🏽😉 
16 sept. 21 par le membre: Farzana-
@AI@さん> Wall|-°|チラッ Wall|▽///|b✨ Wall|ノシ サッ 
16 sept. 21 par le membre: ヤママユガ


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