Journal de davidsprincess, 06 mai 22

Yesterday I ate 90-100% of nothing worthwhile- and too much of it (some of which I need to add on still this morning because I finally went to bed) and it was reflected on the scale. Someone stuck a basket of candy on my desk and so I have been picking through and eating all the chocolate. I finally dumped it out... only because there were only smarties remaining and smarties are disgusting though a little fun to eat just based on shape, size and texture. And with having comments disabled, I don't have to worry about anyone trying to argue that they are somehow comparable to other candy. The only thing smarties compare to are dum dums. I'm convinced half of the dum dums produced are eaten while in line at the bank and the other half are tossed at parades and then later thrown in the garbage. Smarties and dum dums- the opposite in names only makes them more alike. Maybe it is the same company and that's as original as they could get. These thoughts are too deep for not even being 5 a.m.
102,0 kg Perdu jusqu'à présent: 11,0 kg.    Reste à parcourir: 11,3 kg.    Régime suivi: Raisonnablement Bien.

2832 kcal Gras: 127,20g | Prot: 94,10g | Glu: 328,71g.   Petit Déjeuner: Strawberries, Bays Original English Muffin, Welch's Grape Jelly, Coffee. Déjeuner: Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise, Mayonnaise, Great Value Hard Boiled Eggs, Pringles Original Potato Crisps, Pepperoni and Sausage Pizza. Dîner: Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake, Pepperoni Pizza (Frozen, Cooked). Snacks/Autre: Baja Fresh Mexican Grill Original Shrimp Baja Taco, Tortilla Corn Chips, Lindt Lindor Dark Chocolate Truffles with a Smooth Filling. plus...
2564 kcal Exercice: Sexe (Amour) - 45 minutes, Repos - 15 heures et 15 minutes, Dormir - 8 heures. plus...
Prenant 10,2 kg par Semaine

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