Journal de FullaBella, 07 août 14

You know that little 'bell' that rings in your thoughts.. quiet but undeniable .. until it graduates from 'the soft church bell from across town' to 'the shriek of death alarm clock from across the room?' I had that latter one finally graduate for me yesterday.

I have been struggling. Really struggling to ... well ... to make peace with myself on this whole eating disorder thing. I spent nearly a year doing the EWYL (eat what you love) and it was working but then I forgot.. and I ignored the bell.

I've made progress, no denying it. But I've been dancing on a slippery slope for a few months of indulging; well, over indulging actually. All things in moderation includes moderation but I know the 5-6 iced coffee's (with liquid cream)daily and the Cheesecake factory visits and Road Trip burgers were beginning to shift from the 'occasional indulgence' to the 'far too frequent a habit' column.

So yesterday, in the midst of my flab-jack induced IBS feeling as if I had a load of cement in my colon followed by cheeseburger and fries for lunch swimming in at least a gallon of water sucked up on hump day to try and do some damage control, I decided it would be the perfect time to weigh myself.

I know some of it is part of the 'fat to muscle' conversion weight but not all. My clothes aren't fitting as they did. Time to turn this train around before it's too late.

So, I'm recording it. I don't like it. It certainly doesn't have the same emotion of joy as it did when I recorded it on the way down. But it's the truth. One I can face.

And, I announced it. In real life. Not the weight - just the fact that I'd gained and I'm not happy with it so I'm going back a time when I paid more attention to the nutritional makeup of my food. Not restrictive deprivation. Just not so many trips to Indulgence-ville.

I did that for the sake of others so that I don't repeat the Valentine's 2012 when I was stricter on my intake and reacted to the chocolate dipped strawberries from Blondie as if she'd handed me a bouquet of spiders.

And BCF won't feel shunned when I give away her present of chocolate dipped potato chips. I'll just resume regifting food faster than 'Feed the Children' again for those who refuse to believe me. I've done it before, I'll do it again.

I don't know if I'll ever reach a point in life where I don't have to pay attention to my food and weight every day to keep it in check. Maybe that's the lazy part in me that creeps in when I'm not looking. It's no different than balancing the checkbook, paying bills and making sure the laundry is done. It's just a part of responsibility.

So I'll chock the past couple of months eating up to 'spring break'. Time to get back in school and remember my goals. Health. Mobility. Pride. And being able to rock those ridiculously high heeled strappy sandals. The important things in life.


86,2 kg Perdu jusqu'à présent: 43,1 kg.    Reste à parcourir: 4,5 kg.    Régime suivi: Raisonnablement Bien.

1171 kcal Gras: 12,83g | Prot: 106,33g | Glu: 154,06g.   Petit Déjeuner: Sweet Pickle Relish, Apples, Chicken Vegetable Soup with Kidney Beans, StarKist Foods Chunk Light Tuna in Water, Tostitos Medium Salsa, Coffee-Mate Fat Free French Vanilla Powdered Coffee Creamer, Baileys Original Irish Cream, Whole Milk. plus...
Prenant 2,0 kg par Semaine

What happened that got you so off track? When I started reading your journals last year, you seemed to have it all together. It seems that it's since losing your significant other and the role you had that you've shifted in the food dept. Are you in an unacknowledged state of mourning. Or you feel lost without the role you had. Just asking the questions. If they strike a cord with you, good, it'll be food for thought. If not, well, I'm wrong, period. Be happy! 
07 août 14 par le membre: NowIunderstand
@NowI - yes, I've chewed that food for thought a lot and realize some of it is the mourning. My role, my identity, everything shifted with Cutty's passing; some for the worse, some for the better, and I'm trying to adapt. But I can't blame all of it on mourning. I can't blame anyone but myself and getting too relaxed about my choices of what, when, and how much to eat.  
07 août 14 par le membre: FullaBella
Aww, so easy to gain it back. Just get back on track, logging, exercise, but still have fun, have adventures but adjust the rest of the week. As always love your cartoons. Where do you find them?  
07 août 14 par le membre: wholefoodnut
Well, if that's the case, it should be fairly easy for you to get back on track. Take it one morning, one afternoon and one evening at a time. However, a lot of your journaling has Blondie bringing in 'bad' food. Is she trying to sabotage. You always know your friends from how they look out for your best interest... (to me anyway!) 
07 août 14 par le membre: NowIunderstand
@WFN - yep ~ I just need to not be SO relaxed on the adventures. The cartoons - everywhere - pinterest, buzzfeed, friends. Glad you like them. I do too. I often find myself laughing out loud with them. When ever I do, I think 'must share with my friends.' 
07 août 14 par le membre: FullaBella
@NowI - No, not really so much Blondie bringing as me allowing her. When I told her this morning 'this is it' she responded 'well, I wondered'. She's watched as I started ordering from column I (indulgence) more than column H for healthy.  
07 août 14 par le membre: FullaBella
Contrary to the saying of the last piccie... I do know I'm batshit crazy.  
07 août 14 par le membre: ClassicRocker
So do I Kathy, welcome to the Bat Club  
07 août 14 par le membre: FullaBella
Mmmm thinking about building bat houses for my back yard next year... might seriously be in the bat club. LOL 
07 août 14 par le membre: wholefoodnut
Oh, Bella, so happy that you connected the dots again - for me. Just noticing how easy it is to slip in to indulgence. Mourning/depression is so cunning and looking for that quick fix to just feel...nothing? better? "normal"? Food takes my mind off of my mind for a while. I also had the thought in recent posts that Blondie was either sabotaging or bringing up some stuff for you that you mightn't want to look at right now? Or maybe she just wanted someone to share a "bad habit" with? All unconsciously and not with a malevolent motivation, just wanted to connect and fell back on something familiar? Sort of meandering myself here, guess I should go over to my own journal for that... 
07 août 14 par le membre: Sweet Ce
WFN - I thought bats had caves :-) Hmmm 
07 août 14 par le membre: FullaBella
Ceci - you know, for all of her manipulative, cunning, evil ways.. I cannot blame this one on Blondie. She doesn't eat healthy, no. But *I* do - when I remember to. It's my choice, my responsibility to say 'I'll have this, not that'. If she brings me something unhealthy 'now' after me declaring I'm back on the wagon today, I'll send an update. I'll send out the bat signal for every one to rush over and slap her silly if I can't get the job done.  
07 août 14 par le membre: FullaBella
Bella, I learned a lot about bats last week on our interesting cave tour. They spend the winters in caves. In the summer they prefer the trees and bat houses. Now a bat can eat incredible amounts of mosquitoes, a favorite food. I see them often at dusk if I'm in my back yard. Now there have been studies done and adding a few bat houses in your yard can practically eliminate the mosquitoes and several other annoying bugs, chiggers for one. This brain that forever creates new projects for my self kicks in. Mmmm maybe a fun project with the kids this winter is to make bat houses, paint them cool colors and somehow put a few in my yard..... they look pretty easy to make.... Bat Lady of the neighborhood :)))  
08 août 14 par le membre: wholefoodnut
That is intriguing .. and your house will be the hit of the neighborhood on Halloween! I have gecko's .. they do the same. Hate it when they fall off the door into my hair in the middle of the night when I'm taking Mush to potty. If only FS had a way to log that 2am cardio ... :-)  
08 août 14 par le membre: FullaBella
So true about the low fat being full of $h|t... Hard to eat clean, so much out there to tempt you and fool you, into thinking your eating healthily. 
08 août 14 par le membre: Sk1nnyfuture
I know, Pam, right? Seems like we should pull a class action suit against those folks from the 80's for messing w/our heads and bodies. 
08 août 14 par le membre: FullaBella
I love geckos!! my mom had them in their screened porch in Florida. 2am walks with geckos falling out f trees in the dark, oh my! not my thing....I just let my pups out the back door, fenced yard. If I fall back to sleep no worries.  
08 août 14 par le membre: wholefoodnut
Low fat products are generally nasty!!! All those chemicals and added sugar s awful. Never bought into that. There are a few like yogurt made from skim milk that are ok. I make mine that way most of the time. I do tend to eat rather low fat but use natural foods. Try to stay around 30% average total fats. My body simply does not do well on a high fat plan or when I eat lots of red meat.  
08 août 14 par le membre: wholefoodnut
Luckily back yard is fenced too so I just stand there and plead for her to 'stop & squat already' because I can't leave the door open all night. I did buy into the FF/LF/BS for too many years. I know better now but it was a long time learned.  
08 août 14 par le membre: FullaBella


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