Journal de FullaBella, 20 août 14

I'm wondering how much of my life would have been different if 'fear' and 'guilt' had been on the list of Seven Deadly Sins or Ten Commandments. This morning I had the urge to act on impulse but stopped out of 'fear' of 'feeling guilty' later. Sure, social mores are necessary; they are what stop us from driving head on into traffic or smacking people in public. But what exactly would I do or have done if I wasn't always concerned with 'regretting it later'.

As this is Fat Secret I'll go ahead and do the 'reveal now' of the point where this connects to All Things Food. How many times do I consider eating 'this' or binge eating 'that' but refrain because of 'fear' at losing control followed by guilt. Guilt of letting myself down. Failing again. Guilt & fear. Fear & Guilt. And vice versa how many times have I stuffed my emotions with food to refrain from saying the thing I want to say or avoid feeling the thing I don't want to feel? When will the 'do the right thing because it's the right thing to do' replace those emotions?

Taking me on this path of reflection was an overwhelming urge this morning to take the weed-whacker to my entire yard. Yes, my beautiful back yard of plants and flowers. I just wanted to obliterate it to nothing more than dirt. Something akin to the rose garden scene in Mommy Dearest.

As I've mentioned lightly but then glossed over with pages of amusing graphics in my recent journals, I am struggling with grief. Big time struggling.

This morning I was thinking 'he was right' when Cutty advised me to sell everything and move away after he passed. I would joke 'you know me, I never walk away from equity' and I know better than to make any serious decisions like that right now but lately... the memories are getting to me. The reminders. This corner, that drawer, this wall, that chair.

I'm doing my best to not 'eat' my emotions or fill that emptiness with Ice Cream but for every action there is a reaction and as I stared at the yard this morning I wanted to rip it apart.

Guilt. I started the yard for Cutty ~ at a time he could not do it himself. He loved the flowers and view from the window. Me? Not so much. I mean, I liked flowers but I was more of a 'fresh cut' kind of gal who didn't really like getting dirt under her nails. The patio was for sipping coffee beneath a shady umbrella. Getting down on my hands and knees and digging in the dirt? Thank you, no. It'll wreck my manicure.

See, our yard.. oops, there I go .. I still say 'we, us, our' ... THE yard is ... a facade. My home is in the city. The yard is 99% run off dirt from rooftops on top of no longer traveled city sidewalks. Truly, you dig six inches down and you'll hit cement and bricks. I've also found some interesting old artifacts.

Cutty wanted me to grow lawn. I did. Over the past two years I'd haul in a few bags of soil at a time and built a lawn on cement. Last summer he asked if I thought I could grow grass around the air conditioner. Challenge accepted.

But He never saw it. His health worsened as the seeds took root. I stare at that lawn and fight... anger, resentment, emotions, all reactions that lead to me wanting to just hack it all away.

I also recognize how I converted that 'mission' of making him a beautiful view into my own refuge. I'd run outside to escape him and his ever increasing angry rant at death. My morning time outside grew longer as I increased the volume of gardening to be maintained. My 'chicken and the egg' kept me out almost all day on Sunday. Rather than admitting 'anything besides inside being yelled at'.

This was the emotion behind imagining the destruction this morning. Guilt. Over letting this yard rob me of spending time with him. Perhaps it gave me the sanity to return inside and stay with him, keep him here with me at home, through to the end. I am great at seeing both sides of a coin as I toss it in the air to decide my fate.

I'm really not sure of the point behind any of this beyond it's my journal and these are thoughts and emotions swirling around me lately. This is what's going on behind the silly photos and jokes - deflection - a way of making myself smile and laugh and hoping to share that with my friends rather than 'this'.

A Dear Kind friend here reminded me yesterday in a PM that my grieving is still recognizable and acceptable.

Even then I felt like a facade. My Dear Kind friend stated they were amazed how well I've been doing in the diet department with what I've been through ~ I feel like I'm failing. I'm 10-15lbs 'heavier' than I was a year ago and I'm fearing I've lost it and am guilty that I've regained weight.

I'm hitting the two year mark in less than a week. August 25th ... the terrible twos set in. The period for me that has always been the most challenging. Generally I lose my mojo at 18 months ... and by 24mo's I'm like 'forget it.. bring on the M&M's'.

I want to get this one right because it's the right thing to do; not because of fear of regaining or guilt over having people look at me ONE more TIME and ask 'what happened... you were doing so well'. I want to take a weed whacker to my whole WOE and just redo it for the right reasons. I want that PEACE with myself I've been seeking ever since setting my 'diet' to that header.

I want ... to improve. I didn't whack down the yard. I know winter will take care of that soon enough. I am just going to breathe, eat wisely because it's the right thing to do, and let the season's take care of me.

If you read all this, bless you.

86,2 kg Perdu jusqu'à présent: 43,1 kg.    Reste à parcourir: 4,5 kg.    Régime suivi: Raisonnablement Bien.
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Bless you my friend in your continued healing. There is not set way to grieve and from what I read, you've done amazingly well. Continue to find your balance, peace and be well. And we are here for you when you have those ice cream days too. ❤ 
20 août 14 par le membre: ChicaLean
The yard, the escape, gave you the much needed serenity you needed to cope with the emotions you had in Cutty's last days. Nothing to feel guilty about. Even Jesus kept having to get away when he was overwhelmed with the needs of the crowds. I think Cutty was a lucky man. People can get frustrated and irritable when hope is gone, and they can be very difficult to live with. You stuck it out, and you did very well. Says a lot for your character. Don't beat yourself up, hold your head up high, Buddy! 
20 août 14 par le membre: DairyKing
Bella, the fact that you are looking at such deep feelings about the garden and food and life in general right now is so amazing to me. I've read some of your past journals and have just a glimmer of what happened in your life. Many of us would be wrapped up with some frozen pizzas, Haagen Daas and netflix 24/7. I agree that there is no "proper" way to grieve and no timetable. The fact that you're looking at this stuff is a good brave thing. There is a short essay out there on the internets called The Grieving Person's Bill of Rights. I've seen a few different versions of it - all of them excellent. If you get a chance to google and find a few versions they're well worth the few minute read. Bella, I wish you peace and light and clarity. And I wish you a steady step in getting there.  
20 août 14 par le membre: Vickie 5966
Nothing wrong with what you are going through. Use this time to reflect, think back on fond memories and wait for the sun to come out tomorrow - you know it will!  
20 août 14 par le membre: BuffyBear
Once again, Angel, your journal has helped me! This time its understanding why my MIL who lost her DH 2 years ago is moving. I get it now that while there are wonderful memories there, to be constantly reminded may be too much. Your heart will tell you what you should do, but giving it time is so smart as you've done. You have done so well with your WOE even as you've dealt with tremendous stress and grief. You are eating now with such mindfulness, and as I'm trying to accept too, your weight will settle at the right place for you. Be good to yourself, sweetest of friends, and know we are here for you and love you! xoxox 
20 août 14 par le membre: Ruhu
You have a gift at reflecting on what's going on in your life. And I thank you for sharing those reflections with us. 
20 août 14 par le membre: mgrill
You are one strong lady, and we are all here for you, and each other. We are one crazy happy family in good times and sad. 
20 août 14 par le membre: Char60
Dear Beautiful Bella - FullaBella - full of beauty. That's truly what you are. In my experience, grief, indeed, takes many forms. I'm glad your friend PM'd you - it's what I was also alluding to the other day and you assured me the day was "not so bad". I also agree with DK that the garden served a purpose. Nature has a way of being of service to us exactly when and how we need Her. You were wise enough to accept her help when you needed it most. Also, consider this, ok? Perhaps Cutty needed you to have time away, too. Perhaps, just perhaps, on some level he did not want to be yelling at you and your time in the garden served him, too. Maybe? Just a thought. As for the weight re-gain. I understand your concerns. But, again, grief takes many forms. You are exposing it to the healing light both here and in your garden - your "church" as you used to call it. Something that recently helped me with LH was to re-read some old journal entries. There is healing in that, too - at least for me. I found, through this venue, a way to reconnect with reasons I made certain decisions and how I was treating myself at specific times. Perhaps there is some of that for you, too. Sending love. 
20 août 14 par le membre: Sweet Ce
(((((hugs))))) and prayers. Thank you for sharing your reflections, anger, and pain. We are here for you. Onward. 
20 août 14 par le membre: kclab
Bella, please take care of yourself. Grieving is a stressful time and nobody knows how long it will last. So sorry for your loss. Bless you.  
20 août 14 par le membre: Deb_N
My dear friends - please know I am reading your comments and wrapping myself in the love for now. I'll be back in a while ~ maybe even later today ~ for now, I'm taking comfort in your visits. Thank you. 
21 août 14 par le membre: FullaBella
Giant hugs! I've got nothing. No advice, too brain dead to come up with the right words, but hugs! Everything you're going through seems perfectly normal. There's going to be ups and downs and random desires to change things. 
21 août 14 par le membre: Ms Elizabeth
Wish you well on the yard, Bella. Guilt and grief are the emotions that tend to really get to us. We beat ourselves up when they fade because we feel we should still feel it. Beat ourselves up when we're happy because we 'should' be sad. Beat ourselves up when we feel them heavily because the one we've lost wouldn't want that for us. It's a no win situation. All you can do is move forward. Blessings. 
21 août 14 par le membre: northernmusician
Such brave authenticity. That could not have been easy to write, or share, but it will do more to heal your pain than any food ever could. Keep writing, here or for yourself. It will help you find your way forward. Our history informs who we are today, but it does not have to define who we are as we move forward. Be gentle with yourself. Compassion is your best companion on this journey. Treat yourself as your would a dear friend. 
21 août 14 par le membre: yduj57
Life is like a garden, dear Bella --- and you are a very important gardener. I doubt even the master gardeners ever learn all there is to know about gardening, much less life. It's all trial and error .... and nothing you do is wrong. Maybe it could have been done another way, but who is to say the other way would be better? Time to bury that guilt in a deep, dark hole. Keep it there. You have put a lot of hard work into your garden. DK said it all ... hold your head up. It's your garden ... your masterpiece. If you want to revamp it ... revamp it. It's yours to do with as you please. I tend to hide behind jokes and cartoons, myself. Life can be funny as hell, don'cha know! (Even in the most abysmal times.... we can find humor somewhere. It's laugh or cry ... I choose to laugh. Old gardeners never die; we just turn to seed. Hugs, MOM:0) 
21 août 14 par le membre: Mom2Boxers
Thank you all again... FYI the garden church is still alive. I recognized it wasn't all just a ruse to avoid Cutty and I liked being reminded even Jesus had to take some time off so I don't feel so weak. I liked the rationalization that even Cutty needed a break from me.. or even the reminder of that. Sometimes Grace will give me that line regarding Mushy - whenever I feel guilty for leaving her at home.. in a crate larger than my first college apartment.. with food, water and toys.. that 'she needs a nap and break from me.' I reflected and visited a few of my journals as I began considering it my church, the kneeling, dirt, soil, good for the soul, the real church bells from a block away, the comparisons and touching nature.. I know it wasn't a lie. It just felt it for a moment. I think that's what I must remember... everyone can look at both sides of the issue and find the good and bad. I generally think I find the good; I have to blame that bad on not having had enough coffee that morning. I've been blowing up Blondie's email with jokes and laughing until I cried in the shop today. Life is good. I'm blessed. I have wonderful friends here. I'm one lucky woman. 
21 août 14 par le membre: FullaBella
Enough coffee or not, it was 100% OK for you to feel the grief, mourning, anger, frustration... And ultimately all the love we are sending you. It is yours, you merit this love and support. Glad you & Blondie are giggling together. :-) 
21 août 14 par le membre: Sweet Ce
Silliness and laughter: the best medicine for a heavy heart. You miss your love, so sad days mixed with a bit of crazy will be inevitable. Bells, keep moving forward and keep it real. You know there is no's all progress.  
21 août 14 par le membre: Josie Ann
I think you dealt with everything as best you could, and you were there for him through to the end. You have to grieve and move through that process in your own way. You're a beautiful and caring person, saying a prayer for you. :) 
21 août 14 par le membre: jmb3450
Grief takes many forms and trucks on sometimes for years. Gone for awhile then popping in when unexpected. It's ok. Hang in there and go with the flow.  
21 août 14 par le membre: wholefoodnut


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