Journal de Draglist, 15 sept. 14

Lost a few pounds today with super light eating at work. But got a LOT of water to lose... pretty funny numbers below based on just being water logged! Literally five days ago I weighed 199 and change. Hoping to get back to that and lower before the end of the month.

Here are the 9/15/14 Tanita Numbers (pre-dinner, no workout on Mondays):

Weight - 221.2
Goal Weight (10% BF) - 216.0 (LOL! Should be 192... so 24 lbs. of pure water!)
Total body fat % - 12.1
Total body fat lbs. - 26.8
Total body water % - 70.5 (!)
Visceral fat rating - 8
Muscle mass lbs. - 185.0 (!)
Physique rating - 6
Bone mass lbs. - 9.4
Daily calories: 4583 (RDI 2575)
Metabolic age - 12 (!)

Son wanted to go out to Red Robin to eat. Did not turn into much of an adjustment day, but still finished under 1730 calories. Will need to go lower going forward. Will eat very light during the days to allow some flexibility when I get home. Sodium 2138.

If It Fits Your Macros numbers (macro numbers in grams, rounded):
Daily targets: 70 fat, 130 carbs, 40-50 fiber, 200 protein, 1950 cals
Today ate: 91 fat, 132 carbs, 21 fiber, 98 protein, 1728 cals (2665 used, 937 deficit)
Running avg: 98 fat, 246 carbs, 155 protein, 2599 cals (2765 used, 166 deficit)
100,3 kg Perdu jusqu'à présent: 47,1 kg.    Reste à parcourir: 7,3 kg.    Régime suivi: Mal.

Voir Calendrier de Régime, 15 septembre 2014:
1728 kcal Gras: 90,88g | Prot: 98,47g | Glu: 132,02g.   Petit Déjeuner: EfaGold EfaGold Pure Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. Déjeuner: Hershey's Milk Chocolate Kisses with Almonds, dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt. Dîner: Egg, Red Robin Seasoned Steak Fries, Red Robin Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad, Apples, dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt. Snacks/Autre: Kirkland Signature Raw Almonds, Nature Made Fish Oil 1000 mg, Now Magnesium Citrate, One A Day Men's Health Formula Multivitamin Supplement. plus...
2665 kcal Exercice: FitBit Tracker - 24 heures. plus...
Prenant 13,7 kg par Semaine

Wow - water stays with the muscles after exercise, too. Have you ever read article, "Why the Scale Lies" ? GOOGLE it if you have nit read it. Interesting... 
15 sept. 14 par le membre: HCB
15 sept. 14 par le membre: HCB
That's crazy!  
16 sept. 14 par le membre: Instantcrazy
Bottomless fries, my weakness. You did pretty good in spite of that venture to Red Robin.  
16 sept. 14 par le membre: ChicaLean


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