Journal de -Diablo, 30 août 19

I forget what it was called now. Turtle cake parfait? So good.

2691 kcal Gras: 74,23g | Prot: 196,42g | Glu: 362,75g.   Petit Déjeuner: Now Foods Creatine Monohydrate, Pickles, Claussen Kosher Dill Pickle Halves, Claussen Kosher Dill Sandwich Slices Pickles, Carl Buddig Corned Beef, Ole Extreme Wellness High Fiber Low Carb Tortillas, Reddi-wip Original Dairy Whipped Topping, Reddi-wip Extra Creamy Whipped Cream, Quest Blueberry Muffin Protein Bar, Oreo Thins Lemon, Chobani vanilla greek yogurt. Déjeuner: Chobani Nonfat Strawberry Greek Yogurt (8 oz), White Sauce (Medium), Pork Chops (Top Loin, Boneless), Peach, Navels Oranges, Fit Crunch Chocolate Peanut Butter. Dîner: Halo Top Creamery Birthday Cake Ice Cream, Quest Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Bar, White Cake with Icing (Home Recipe or Purchased). plus...
3328 kcal Exercice: Dormir - 7 heures et 40 minutes, Assis - 8 heures, Musculation (Modérée) - 45 minutes, Vélo (Loisir) - <16/kph - 2 heures et 35 minutes, Repos - 5 heures. plus...

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Looks delicious 
30 août 19 par le membre: rosio19
30 août 19 par le membre: rosio19
30 août 19 par le membre: -Diablo
Some might call it “beetus in a cup”. 🤡🤡🤡 What’s in the layers? 
30 août 19 par le membre: moopie321
Dang, I have to ask what is that made with? It looks like it contains all 1500 calories I get for the day, and, if it doesn't I want to get one... :) 
30 août 19 par le membre: mardee57
Yum! Where might one find a delectable treat such as this? (What if I talked like that all the time) LOL 
30 août 19 par le membre: davidsprincess
Wow! 😍🤤 
30 août 19 par le membre: Keilin_4
Goodness in a cup. What's the stuff under the top layer? 
30 août 19 par le membre: FullaBella
30 août 19 par le membre: melissatwa
That is call deliciousness in a cup. I just gained 10 lbs just looking at it. But am expending calories with the drooling. lol 
30 août 19 par le membre: tatauu22
d👸, I saw your comment! 💕 
30 août 19 par le membre: moopie321
Tata you are new here. We been here forever supporting and bringing awareness to the fact that you can eat your favorite foods. To lose weight you just have to eat less of them. These people restrict themselves, binge eat (eating disorder!🤮!) and wonder why they keep dieting for yrs and yrs (decades) and never achieve success  
30 août 19 par le membre: rosio19
I mean it’s obvious who is living a healthy lifestyle and who’s not. 😎 Bashing someone and not expecting a consequence lol 🤪  
30 août 19 par le membre: rosio19
Rosio and Moopie- It's clear to me why Diablo has been so fond of you both. You are true friends. Others who are his "friend" 🤐- too afraid to speak the truth. Thank you! I took screen shots because he is sleeping. He will enjoy reading the comments. 😘 
30 août 19 par le membre: davidsprincess
d👸, 💕 that was wild. 😜  
30 août 19 par le membre: moopie321
Dp you might not know this of me. I was the heaviest in my mom’s side of the family. people would tell me I had to eat breakfast, no chips, no cookies, no, no, no...aka miserable diet so I never ever even tried to diet. And that’s why I post so much I’m trying to reach the poor lost soul that wants to eat Cheetos and be healthy.  
30 août 19 par le membre: rosio19
Poor lost soul, we can still eat Cheetos we simply have to eat less of them 😎 
30 août 19 par le membre: rosio19
WHO put up the ice cream porn?  
30 août 19 par le membre: bobi su
i love this  
30 août 19 par le membre: jordanbaker1
Rosio- I probably know everything about you from Diablo. Always when he was trying to get me to see the light would constantly give me your stats- height- weight- caloric intake- what you were doing- LOL. I would be thinking- Stop telling me about this girl. "She just stays active chasing her young children around... She's 5' 2"-" Hahaha. I may have gotten your height wrong but it would piss me off for him to compare me to you- Rosio this, Rosio that. I don't know if he remembers doing it but you were his "go to" as examples for me to be able to eat a decent amount of food I LIKED- not crap I was dreading and suffering through. Glad I gave it a try. So easy compared to the torture I would put myself through and only be able to last a month at a time and gain back more than I lost. And you figured it out at a young age- so good for you. I lost 115, gained back 70, lost 65, gained back 48... and I wonder why my skin is so crazy and stretched. LOL.  
30 août 19 par le membre: davidsprincess


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