Journal de Kenna Morton, 23 sept. 19

Archive d'Entrée de Poids (pas d'entrée de journal) pour le 23 septembre 2019
50,6 kg Perdu jusqu'à présent: 4,8 kg.    Reste à parcourir: 0 kg.    Régime suivi: Raisonnablement Bien.

Voir Calendrier de Régime, 23 septembre 2019:
1376 kcal Gras: 55,37g | Prot: 70,56g | Glu: 148,87g.   Petit Déjeuner: NoSalt Nosalt, Whole Foods Market Christmas Lima beans, Aqua de Jamaica (hibiscus ice tea), Turkey pork breakfast sausage, Dave's Killer Bread Thin-Sliced Organic Bread 21 Whole Grains & Seeds, Adobe Milling Anasazi Beans, Maxwell House International Cafe Orange, Concord Grape Fruit Juice Cocktail, Ocean Spray 100% Juice Cranberry, Egg. Déjeuner: Ranch Granola, Tillamook good and creamy vanilla bean yogurt, Tru-Nut Powdered Peanut Butter, Chobani Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt, Nutiva Organic Chia Seed, Wheat Montana Milled Flax Seed, Driscoll's Blueberries, 2% Lowfat Cottage Cheese, Sunsweet Dried Pitted Prunes. Dîner: Pizza with Meat and Vegetables. plus...
1630 kcal Exercice: Aquagym - 30 minutes, Natation (Lent) - 1 heure et 30 minutes, Repos - 14 heures, Dormir - 8 heures. plus...
Perdant 3,2 kg par Semaine

28 supporteurs    Encourager   

Are you trying to lose weight, Kenna? 
23 sept. 19 par le membre: gz9gjg
Gz9gig— hi . No, not trying to lose weight. I have a hard time keeping it on and a hard time reaching my RDI. I get close but not quite even. I do portion control, moderation, higher carb than some people, moderate protein and mod fats. I’m not a fast food eater at all and minimal junk type foods. No foods are off limits and I will eat anything I want if I really want it. I seldom snack. I eat breakfast at 4 a,, lunch about 11 and dinner about 5-6 and that is about it. What burns my calories is swimming every day for about 2 hours. I do strength training and walk/ hike routinely. I did deep cleaning on the garage this weekend and swam everyday and now my weight is on a free fall. I can’t make myself overeat, I would literally be sick. 
23 sept. 19 par le membre: Kenna Morton
"I can't make myself overeat!" I believe it is physical for you, but is it also a lifetime of mental "strength training?" Your example should be noticed every day by us all.  
23 sept. 19 par le membre: melissatwa
I have been eating like this for many, many years and have always been a big hiker and swimmer. Just like breathing.  
23 sept. 19 par le membre: Kenna Morton
Keyten—- I am 71. 
23 sept. 19 par le membre: Kenna Morton
23 sept. 19 par le membre: melissatwa
Keyten77– it is so crazy! You are living your life and one day you literally look in the mirror and say, “who the hell is THAT”. I’m grateful to be healthy today. Whatever happens tomorrow happens.  
23 sept. 19 par le membre: Kenna Morton
Melissatwa— like everyone else here I have a family tree that includes a lot of diabetics. As a younger nurse I just made the decision to enjoy all the wonderful foods that we have access to but to be choosy. Some great pie, or fancy cake or homemade ice cream or some dried up brownie from a gas station. Not hard to decide. So It was a mental thing in the beginning— to pick and choose only those things that I really wanted and eat them, enjoy them and move on. The biggest hurdle is portion control and moderation. You don’t have to eat the whole cake and you CANT eat it every day. Bottom line. Now it is truly just like breathing, I don’t even think about it. It’s easy and natural. 
23 sept. 19 par le membre: Kenna Morton


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