Journal de FullaBella, 06 juin 14

So yeah.. another fake weigh in just to give the FS weigh in reminder a rest over the weekend and update my challenge. I did pull on my snug jeans this morning and they buttoned... so yes, I'm relieved. BUT, before I pulled them on I said, "Ok.. rule is ... if they don't button... I'm STILL going to have a wonderful day and weekend. If they do, well, that'll be pretty dang cool. Agreed?'

So.. pretty dang cool to start the day.

Especially after homemade chili last night. I'm not sure if the challenge is still open to join but I'm doing one about 'Well Fed vs Fed Up' and the administrator began the forum with a post of the 'ideal pantry'. Mine was ideal last night because I was craving chili and ALMOST walked over to the market to pick up a can. Yeah. Me. Thinking about eating canned processed crap. When did that happen?

But instead, I checked and had all the makings, including chili meat in the freezer. Yum.. good good.

Mindful eating.. it is interesting how it DOES take my stomach about 30 mins to realize 'yeah, Stop it.. we don't want anymore' even though my tongue is saying 'thank you Ma'am.. may I have another?'

I'd had about 12oz of chili (probably about 8oz of it was just the broth .. that's always my favorite part) and wanted 'another spoon or two' but told myself 'go ... shower first... do a couple of things.. see how you feel in a few minutes.' And by golly... the tongue and stomach finally caught up with each other.

Which made that 1/2 cup I had just before bed even more enjoyable. Yum ditty yum.

Road trip this weekend. Destination unknown. Blondie riding shotgun, Mushy stretching out on the back seat. Time to christen my new GPS "TomTom". I may even download the voice of Roger Moore. Wild woman I am.

I packed this morning with the plan that whereever the road takes us will require casual attire ... I basically loaded my 'weekender bag' with whatever came out of the clothes dryer making less for me to hang up. In the scheme of Thelma and Louise.. I'm both. Once I pack the kitchen sink.. I have to go back and wipe down all the countertops.

So everything's packed ... I just have to get thru the next few hours and hope I do some freaking business today ... I was 5 mins late this morning and had a customer banging down the door. Now that I'm here I can hear the wind whistling and am waiting for a tumbleweed to roll in front of me.

I'm not even taking my laptop with me this weekend...and I can't get on FS from my KindleHD ... cannot log in from the web. Not sure WHAT that's about but solving that I guess gives me something to live for, right? In other words.. let me wish you all a wonderful Friday and fantastic weekend. Celebrate today ~ we only get this one once, you know :-)


My rules this weekend:


I think I may start doing this... even keeping some in the car just to get the post mark ... something like 'had a great time here .. glad we came..'






To be Remembered:


81,6 kg Perdu jusqu'à présent: 47,6 kg.    Reste à parcourir: 0 kg.    Régime suivi: Raisonnablement Bien.
poids stable

11 supporteurs    Encourager   

Enjoy your trip FB. I love the spontaneity! And congrats on getting into those jeans! Win!!  
06 juin 14 par le membre: bigbassbrent
Have a great time!!! I agree on the stomach taking time to catch up. Am now wishing I had not finished my lunch but had quit partway through, even though the whole amount was around 200 calories. I'm too stuffed at the moment. Stew made from cannelenini beans and roasted carrots. Yummy. and super easy with my prepped ingredients. Saving my strawberries for later  
06 juin 14 par le membre: wholefoodnut
Congrats on your jeans!!! 
06 juin 14 par le membre: wholefoodnut
Have fun! Glad you are talking with yourself about "fit" and slipping in to acceptance as easily as those jeans.  
06 juin 14 par le membre: Sweet Ce
06 juin 14 par le membre: waynem37
Enjoy your trip and if the occasion arises, the food. Roger Moore. What a smooth creamy voice. Do it. It would cool if it called you by name and you were Tattoo. Okay... enough. Time to enter stats on workout. 
06 juin 14 par le membre: ClassicRocker
Let's see a weekend road trip - how awesome! Bet can be done with one pair of jeans, a pair of leggings (capris) a bunch of comfy tops and a nightgown. Done. Sounds fun and wish I was going with you. Love the postcard idea so don't forget the stamps. See you Monday! 
06 juin 14 par le membre: Neptunebch
Ok - update.. downloaded Moore (not Montalban ... LOL) for a little 'classy' directions but then also DL'd Dennis Hopper ~ he reminds me a bit more of Cutty's easy-rider style. Updated the MP3 player w/some 60's music as I finally figured out how to play it thru the CAR .. only had that car 7 years.. good grief. Susan you must have xray vision as you almost described my bag - pj shorts & large tshirt instead of a gown. Putting stamps in bag now. So far still no business but it was 'busy' a bit as there was a fender bender in front of my shop ~ so lot's of flashing lights & tempers ... had lunch (tuna) and now.. going to brush my teeth, pack the last couple of things and come back and catch up on every one I can before hitting the road. Wayne... must have...? What? My chili? Bowl in the fridge. Help yourself. 
06 juin 14 par le membre: FullaBella
Pretty dang cool it is -- you in your snug jeans… you on your road trip… you celebrating any & everything… you!!!!! xoxox 
06 juin 14 par le membre: Ruhu
Awesome on the jeans buttoning! Chili sounds great ;-) 
06 juin 14 par le membre: FitOKay
Have a wonderful adventure Thelma & Louise! :) Do come back in one piece though! 
06 juin 14 par le membre: Josie Ann
mind over matter! GREAT JOB! 
06 juin 14 par le membre: puhpine
You go girl...:O) 
06 juin 14 par le membre: BHA
Yahoo to snug jeans fitting comfy :) I hope Tom or Roger took you to a fab place :) 
09 juin 14 par le membre: triaby
Wondering what adventures you had? 
09 juin 14 par le membre: wholefoodnut
Chili sounds awesome-have a fab trip!  
09 juin 14 par le membre: CollyMP
Bella has run off with Roger..... 
10 juin 14 par le membre: triaby
Yay on gettin into the jeans! Good outlook: the day is going to be great regardless. Hope you had a wonderful trip! 
10 juin 14 par le membre: DairyKing
BTW, I love the 'Lesson in Life' sign. So true! 
10 juin 14 par le membre: DairyKing


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