Journal de suma-ya-c, 27 oct. 22

There hasn’t been the headspace or willpower for anything health wise recently. All energies are focused elsewhere for now. But realities must be faced, so jumped on the scales today 🍎. Would love to eat a bit better - not just in calories, but in actual food. I had hoped to end the year at the lowest weight I got to, but that looks unlikely as I have a pre-Christmas 🎄 holiday planned.

‘It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.’

Let me be that woman 🫶🏽👊🏽💖.
55,6 kg Perdu jusqu'à présent: 7,8 kg.    Reste à parcourir: 5,6 kg.    Régime suivi: Raisonnablement Bien.

1345 kcal Gras: 44,54g | Prot: 32,21g | Glu: 203,30g.   Petit Déjeuner: Semi-Skimmed Milk, Sugar. Déjeuner: Butter , Marks & Spencer Crumpets, Croissant. Dîner: Couscous (Cooked) , Egg. Snacks/Autre: Costa Coffee Belgian Chocolate Cookie, Fry's Turkish Delight, Tropicana Smooth Orange Juice. plus...
122 kcal Exercice: Étirement (Yoga) - 50 minutes, Apple Health - 23 heures et 10 minutes. plus...
poids stable

27 supporteurs    Encourager   

It’s good to know that even when you’ve been focusing elsewhere you’ve not had a gain 💪. It gets tougher this time of year. Where are you heading on holiday? Cheering for you in the arena 🏆 xx 
27 oct. 22 par le membre: Nutricali
27 oct. 22 par le membre: LivinBreezy
Epic quote, Suma. I know both victory and defeat!! 
27 oct. 22 par le membre: Anne_145
Hope your doing well Suma 👍🏻 
27 oct. 22 par le membre: Jamie_D
Hi Nutricali, was very surprised to have maintained but very pleased😄. How are you and wee one doing? Not long now? I’m heading to Dubai and then South Asia. Can’t wait for some sun. 
27 oct. 22 par le membre: suma-ya-c
Hi LivinBreezy, how goes your new relationship with the Fitbit? Are you both on your best behaviour?😁 I’ve been listening to Rock Believer by the Scorpions…it always puts a smile on my face 
27 oct. 22 par le membre: suma-ya-c
Hi Anne, how are things? Hope you’re managing to navigate what sounds like a very heavy burden on your shoulders. 
27 oct. 22 par le membre: suma-ya-c
@Jamie, love the new pic. Are you well? I’m ok…just wobbling along, but all things must be borne and will eventually pass. And that’s what makes the journey of life so interesting. 
27 oct. 22 par le membre: suma-ya-c
I agree Suma, it’s how you get there in the journey that makes life unique, And we only ever have to make small changes , they seem huge at the time, but they never really are , and we can always start anew tomorrow. I’m doing well, works been crazy busy (I hate being work busy 🤣) And I thought I’d make a change from my tight shirt pic, to another tight shirt pic 🤣 
27 oct. 22 par le membre: Jamie_D
I’m that woman too! I’ll meet you in the arena with pumpkin cake! 😋😉🤗 
27 oct. 22 par le membre: wifey9707
Wonderful quote Suma!!! I'll meet you in the arena too!🤗 Hope you have a fabulous holiday!🎉💕 
27 oct. 22 par le membre: Nikina70
Oooh, that sounds like a lovely holiday you have planned, Suma. I would swap in a minute. My next trip away is going to be grim. 😠😀 
27 oct. 22 par le membre: Anne_145
Ah that sounds lovely! I wouldn’t mind those temperatures at the moment :) I’m doing well thank you and getting bigger. We’re just about to start the third trimester, it’s getting exciting!  
28 oct. 22 par le membre: Nutricali
Hi Suma, The Fitbit is just hanging out on my wrist, forget it's there. I decided to wait the 30 days for a more complete report but I did notice that it doesn't count my steps accurately. Every morning I do a power walk on my treadmill. and I know how many steps in how many minutes. This morning I noticed it was short by over 3,000 steps EEK. The trial period goes until January 31st, it might be worth it for heart rate, we'll see. I didn't realize you travel. I would love to hear about your adventures. Hope this finds you relaxed and smiling about something fun in your day. 'See' you soon, I hope. Breezy 
03 nov. 22 par le membre: LivinBreezy


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