Journal de Draglist, 23 mai 15

Got a solid 10 hours of much-needed sleep. Woke at a nice 211.0. Would have made the 2-0s with a workout, but need to hit the road for Ohio. Had a big breakfast of Greek yogurt with strawberries, flax, chia, black cumin, and cacao nibs. That will keep me going for the drive. Will take Quest bars and almonds for snacks. Have a great weekend and a nice Memorial Day, everyone. Will weigh in again on Monday.

5/23/15 Tanita Numbers (post 14-hour fast, no workout):
Weight - 211.0 (est. goal at 10% BF - 182.9) - 28.1 lbs. to lose
Total body fat % - 15.3 (goal is 10% BF) - +5.3%
Total body fat lbs. - 32.3 (est. goal at 10% BF - 18.3) - +14.0 lbs.
Total body water % - 54.9 (balance is 62.5%) - 7.6% dehydrated
Muscle mass lbs. - 170.5 (est. goal at 10% BF - 156.5) - +14.0 lbs. (water)
Physique rating - 6 (high muscle/avg BF; goal is 9 - high muscle/low BF)
Bone mass lbs. - 8.2 (est. goal at 10% BF - 8.0) - +.2 (water)
RDI 2218 / Visceral fat rating - 9 (goal is 7) / Metabolic age - 25

Today's If It Fits Your Macros numbers (macro numbers in grams, rounded):
Targets: 67 fat, 187 carbs, 154 protein, 38 fiber, <1500 sodium, 1967 cals
95,7 kg Perdu jusqu'à présent: 51,7 kg.    Reste à parcourir: 2,7 kg.    Régime suivi: 100%.

3159 kcal Gras: 129,90g | Prot: 181,82g | Glu: 335,47g.   Petit Déjeuner: Lucerne Nonfat Greek Yogurt - Plain, Strawberries, Organic Black Cumin Seeds, Healthworks Cacoa Nibs, Golden Flax Seeds, Bob's Red Mill Chia Seed, Super Advanced Whey Isolate Chocolate. Déjeuner: Assorted Sugar Wafers, Fruit Coffeecake, 6" Steak & Bacon Melt, Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bar. Dîner: Fried Pickles, Italian BMT Salad, Soft Pretzels, Yellow Cake (with Vanilla Frosting), Chocolate Chip Cookies (Soft Type), Macaroni or Pasta Salad. Snacks/Autre: Magnesium Citrate, Nature Made Fish Oil 1000 mg, centrum silver multivitamin. plus...
2898 kcal Exercice: FitBit Tracker - 24 heures. plus...
Perdant 5,1 kg par Semaine

Wow, I am so jealous. I can't get more than 7 hours and frankly, I know I need more since I wake up very sleepy. Good for you!! Have a great Memorial weekend. 
23 mai 15 par le membre: madanjen
I am glad you got some sleep Bill. Have a great week-end. 
23 mai 15 par le membre: Meddo Goldenhart
Have a great time! 
23 mai 15 par le membre: skwhite
Have a nice holiday!  
23 mai 15 par le membre: Deb_N
Be good! Your weight loss is amazing. 
24 mai 15 par le membre: soonsoonsoon


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