Journal de JustBananas, 05 avr. 21

Went to the grocery store today and used some of the food budget for orchids instead. Feelin' purty good 'bout that decision! Am making some self-luv tweaks to my day, like putting on fun music to dance around my living room and morning mud mask facials alongside my black coffee to ease my way into life.

A slim friend at work recommended a diet/WOE book that she used when faced with stubborn baby weight pounds in her 30's. She said it was the only diet that she could do long-term and not cheat on (out of a whole bookcase of diet books that she plowed through with limited success). Since it's decadent and non-depriving, I bought my own copy to try out. Always keeping the body guessing!

French Women Don't Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano:

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The orchids are stunning. I love that choice! I am sure I have a seen that book but can't place where/ when. Going to check it out.  
05 avr. 21 par le membre: jengetfit123
Lovely, both the orchids and book. We can always keep learning and use new techniques to stay healthy. 💕 
05 avr. 21 par le membre: _bec_ca
Those orchids are astounding!  
05 avr. 21 par le membre: she_loves
Wow! I’ve never seen orchids like that. Beautiful!! 
05 avr. 21 par le membre: Gib_GJ
Obviously I'm not French. I enjoyed the book years ago, but couldn't stick with it. I didn't have enough discipline. 
05 avr. 21 par le membre: Snowwhite100
its pretty 
05 avr. 21 par le membre: cstrutz
I passed up the orchids last month and opted for buying olive oil and whatevers that I could have gone without. This time I bit it. They will live waaaaayyyyy longer than any foodstuff I could have bought. Plus they just bring me joy! 
05 avr. 21 par le membre: JustBananas
Snowwhite -- the book's basic principle is CICO, but insists on French staples like soup, organic fruits & veggies, fresh bakery bread, cheese and wine! on a daily basis. Regular exercise -- especially walking for errands -- is mandatory. Big emphasis on adopting the French/European entire lifestyle. It would be hard to follow if one cannot shrink those portion sizes.  
05 avr. 21 par le membre: JustBananas
Beautiful orchids! 
05 avr. 21 par le membre: Diana 1234
I once.had a friendship with a French couple who were both great cooks. What they did that was so unAmerican like was to linger over their meal slowly eating, chewing well, pausing briefly to speak and savoring the meal. I remember not small portions but sort of normal, but, when they started to feel full they just STOPPED. often did not clean their plate but did not pile it high to begin with. And, they most often had a very small tasty dessert when I was there. I agree the joy of the flowers will outlast the food. 
05 avr. 21 par le membre: Kenna Morton
I think I read that book many years ago... very inspiring, I still eat only tiny deserts if at all 
06 avr. 21 par le membre: cindylynnwho
Kenna -- your French mates sound typical of Europeans. I am probably the slowest eater in America; it takes me 2 hours sometimes! Most people I've eaten with take huge bites and act as if they will catch on fire if they don't clear their plates in under 5 minutes. 🏁🏁⚡⚡ 
06 avr. 21 par le membre: JustBananas
Amazingly beautiful orchids! 😍 
06 avr. 21 par le membre: lonniehuffman
Cindy -- you hit it on the size portions. They eat bread, cheese and chocolate (and yes, the book encourages it), just only a fraction of what Americans would consume. The idea of a two-bite dessert is right on the nose. 
06 avr. 21 par le membre: JustBananas
those flowers are beautiful! 
06 avr. 21 par le membre: Today75B
Lonnie -- they're nothing like your desert flowers, but I get a kick out of the baby blue in them. 
06 avr. 21 par le membre: JustBananas
Beautiful flowers. Read the book many years ago, and afraid to say that I was not a fan (couldn't get past the typical idealization and romaticization of Frenchness for a foreign market), but the advice isn't bad. Hope you enjoy it more than I did. 
06 avr. 21 par le membre: LaughingChevre
Chevre -- the French WOE isn't for everyone, but I love trying out new ideas. My WOE is snippits from many different books where I found a good habit that was easy to adopt. At 122 lbs, it appears as though you've found a WOE that you can maintain -- and that's the goal, isn't it? Hopefully I can drop the last 15 pounds -- and maintain -- with this plan! 
06 avr. 21 par le membre: JustBananas
JB, I'm not sure. 116lbs is more ideal for me but I'm in no rush to get there. Long-term, it will be about finding the balanced between two contradictory parts of my personality: analytical with a need for control, and intuitive. More intuitive eating will require deeper knowledge and letting some foods fall into the "extremely occasional" or "extremely tiny portion" which I'm not ready to do. Did you try the leek soup semi-fast she recommends at the beginning of the book? 
06 avr. 21 par le membre: LaughingChevre
I'm actually buying the leeks today! I'm not a good faster, but I love leeks, so hopefully it won't be so hard. Also, your bio says your goal is 130, so I just assumed you were in maintenance mode. Are you about 5'2 or 5'3"? 
06 avr. 21 par le membre: JustBananas


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